
Hello, to my dearest potterheads. 
          	Firstly, I want to apologise for not updating. I'll try to, since I'll be in my 3rd year of college. I'm still processing all the requirements that needs to be done.
          	Secondly, Our time schedule is not the same, since I live in the Philippines, and some of you are from America, or wherever. I love you all, and i really appreciate that you read, and some add it to their reading lists. 
          	Thirdly, June 12, 2023.
          	My sweet good boy dog, who just recently died, i have no energy whatsoever to be positive lately, he died out of a disease and the vet, medicines couldn't save him, for now I'm still grieving. 
          	Fourthly, I'll try to post up when anything comes up with the story. for now i hope you guys understand. thank you.


Hii, My name is April, I wrote to you because I had read your story on wattpad '' Always, Draco Malfoy '' and I liked it a lot, I am a native Spanish and I wanted to ask you if you would let me translate your stories into Spanish (obviously, giving you all the rights) I hope you say yes, I would love to  
          Have a good day!


Sorry for your dog and I also love to say that I literally love the story “Always’’ and plz share the next chapter soon wherever you’re okay stay safe love from India . And take care


@NoorainSolkar thank you so much, it really means alot to me. Wow, i also did not expect my story was read from a person from india, and i am so happy. thank you so much for the love and support! take care too and stay safe. 


Hello, to my dearest potterheads. 
          Firstly, I want to apologise for not updating. I'll try to, since I'll be in my 3rd year of college. I'm still processing all the requirements that needs to be done.
          Secondly, Our time schedule is not the same, since I live in the Philippines, and some of you are from America, or wherever. I love you all, and i really appreciate that you read, and some add it to their reading lists. 
          Thirdly, June 12, 2023.
          My sweet good boy dog, who just recently died, i have no energy whatsoever to be positive lately, he died out of a disease and the vet, medicines couldn't save him, for now I'm still grieving. 
          Fourthly, I'll try to post up when anything comes up with the story. for now i hope you guys understand. thank you.


i NEED an update for the story, it's SOOOOOO GOOD!


@caitisacat awww, thank u sm! I'll try to update as soon as possible, for now i really have a lot of school works that needs to be done, I'm having mental breakdown because of it, i hope you understand!


i know I haven't been updating my story and I'm really really sorry guys, my grandfather is at the hospital and I'm also the one who's watching him and talking good care of him, I've also been very busy of school. and I also found out that our Angel Helen has passed away from cancer, it broke my heart. she was the best, i always thought of her as a sweet, gentle and kind woman who has lots of talent, it broke my heart. my condolences to her family, you will be missed. /* 


•Hi y'all! i just wanted to say thank youuu for adding my story to your reading lists and for also checking my story, it mens alot!❤️
          •hope you guys had a great day, stay safe healthy and always wash your hands!
          •if you're having problems, please tell your best friends or maybe even your parents, because letting it all bottle up, your anger, frustrations and even sadness. it's really hard.
          •please always tell that to somene who truly is there for you, because trust me if i say this do not ever. let your emotions bottle up inside you, because one day, you'll let that all out, suddenly bursting it all out. so please, always tell someone who can always help you.
          •always remember good things will always come!stay positive!❤️
          •then again, hope you guys are having a great day! i love y'all!❤️
          • I'll try to update as soon as possible. then again, thank youuu! i love y'all!


*means* stupid auto correct