
          	okay so as you all know i haven’t updated anything in over a month. in all honesty i just fully lost motivation to write and i’m sorry about that. since starting back at school this week i have been so mentally drained and just so upset all the time that i want something positive to focus on, so i am considering starting a whole new book?! i know that you all loved amezona’s daughter but i didn’t. i enjoyed it at first but then i slowly started to hate it and i started cringing at my own writing. so i don’t think i am going to continue it, i have tried writing the next chapter and it just always failed and i always lost motivation and didn’t know what to write. i am not sure wether i am going to carry on my meradd fan fic because i did enjoy it and i think there should be more meradd fanfics but i have not yet decided. if i do start a whole new book i have a few ideas but they are all completely different and i have not decided one yet! i am so sorry if this upsets you and i am sorry for not writing in over a month i just never had time and i lost motivation. if i do start a new book i do not know when the first chapter will be posted but hopefully soon!
          	-rose <3


          okay so as you all know i haven’t updated anything in over a month. in all honesty i just fully lost motivation to write and i’m sorry about that. since starting back at school this week i have been so mentally drained and just so upset all the time that i want something positive to focus on, so i am considering starting a whole new book?! i know that you all loved amezona’s daughter but i didn’t. i enjoyed it at first but then i slowly started to hate it and i started cringing at my own writing. so i don’t think i am going to continue it, i have tried writing the next chapter and it just always failed and i always lost motivation and didn’t know what to write. i am not sure wether i am going to carry on my meradd fan fic because i did enjoy it and i think there should be more meradd fanfics but i have not yet decided. if i do start a whole new book i have a few ideas but they are all completely different and i have not decided one yet! i am so sorry if this upsets you and i am sorry for not writing in over a month i just never had time and i lost motivation. if i do start a new book i do not know when the first chapter will be posted but hopefully soon!
          -rose <3


okay right...
          i told you all i would update by friday and today is friday and i haven’t updated. i was going to write yesterday but then THE EPISODE HAPPEEND OMG I STILL CANT BELIEVE IT but don’t worry i won’t spoil anything. so i didn’t start writing because i had to many emotions about the episode. tomorrow i need to fully tidy my room because i am getting guinea pigs and i need to set up the indoor cage in my room. so i might not be able to write tomorrow either i’m not sure. i know this must be stressful and upsetting to you guys cause i know you all want more chapters. i’m sorry i’m taking so long <3


no worries, take as much time as you need! enjoy your guinea pigs <3


@greysxamezona take your time there’s no rush!


i have never lost my voice before but now i have and its horrible i just want to talk and shout but nothing comes out omg


@greysxamezona omg! i hope u get better soon


I’m so sorry  get better soon!!! 


i hope you get better ❤️


i’m sick rn :( so i did try writing today so i could post but i’m sick so i just couldn’t think properly i’m sorry for taking so long on updates!


@rubykarev awhh thankyou, i will <33


aw hope you feel better soon! remember to rest and drink lots of fluids <4


          i am sorry i haven’t been updating as much recently it’s been over a week since i updated motionless and it’s been 4 days since i updated amezona’s daughter and i’m sorry. being back at school means more homework and then i also make edits for my tiktok acc which take up time aswell. luckily i only have the rest of this week and then i get 2 weeks off for easter so i will be able to post more!!


woot woot can’t wait 


          Okay so i know that i said i would update tonight and i am so sorry that i haven’t i just have not had the time tonight. i know that you all want the wedding chapters and honestly i do too i just need to find the perfect way for them to start i will try to update tomorrow i promise i will try too. i love you all and thankyou for the support. i just want the wedding chapters to be really good so i am taking more time on them <3