
A new update to the Tony Padilla imagines will buy up Monday at Noon  More updates will be coming that day as well and Friday there will be more updates and requests will be open once again 


Hey there! I’m working my ass off to update every story I can and dud to that I want to give y’all a little idea of when things are going to be posting. If you send me a request, those will come out on any given date at noon, when your request comes out depends on when you send it to me and how long you want it to be. If you are just waiting for an update on any of my stories those will come out Mondays and Fridays at noon! 


Hey There! I have finally been able to get a request finished, now most everyone who sees this is going to see it sometime tomorrow but I'm still going to post it now so that it can be seen and I don't forget. The request I have finished is for my Tony Padilla imagines and it will be Part 3 of the Fault Line story. It will be posted at Noon tomorrow and after it is posted I will have 2 request slots available so if you want a request make sure to get it in. I would also like to add that you can still make requests even if I don't have a slot available right when you ask, what will happen is when there is a request slot free your request will be the first to go in the slot. Also please if this is the case be patient and i promise your story will get written.


Ladies and Gents I'm back after a long break! I'm taking requests and am going to be getting to all the updates I promised before I took a break! With all that being said I look forward to getting your requests and finally updating all of my work!


I am currently taking requests! You can request something to be written for any of my imagines books or you can request that I add another part to you favorite book. It all depends on you! I will be limiting requests to a max of 20 just to make things more manageable for me! Request away my lovelies! ❤️


Y'all I am so sorry I've been MIA for so long but I promise there are updates coming soon! It's been a hectic few months. I moved into an apartment with my boyfriend and I've got a new job now! That's just a few things I've been dealing with, as for the rest of my big life updates... I really wish I could share them with you guys but unfortunately I cannot.


I just wanted to give everyone a quick update on what's going on with updates. So, last Thursday I had surgery to remove my gall bladder and because of that I cannot work until it is approved by my doctor. If anyone has any requests, please send them in 


Alright, so my college classes are officially done, which means updates. Updates are coming and I couldn't be more excited because now I have a bunch of time on my hands! Y'all send in some requests if you want, I just wanna get back into my writing and maybe get an update in at least once or twice a week.


You ever spend time with someone and they make you forget about all your problems even for just a few hours? I did tonight and it was the best night I've had in a long time. Gave me the energy I needed to get back into my writing


I know it's taking awhile but every one or almost every one of my books are going to get updated at least once! Also requests are open for Supernatural Imagines, Tony Padilla imagines and I also have a new Imagines book in the works.