
@maliarivera Hey:) Thank you sooo much! I am so glad to hear you like it! Just back from europe for spring break but have ap testing soon...blahh! But right after I will start updating! I am so sorry about the delay. My timing was a bit poor...thats for sure


          Haha yep! I liked your story! It's really good:) You are a fabulous writer! Haha, well, I was asking you what you would like since you had it first obviously:P Anyways, your call! If you would like, I'm happy to change it. That's why when I saw, I brought it to your attention. Sorry about that btw! 


heyy, im in your library!! xD
          and uhh.. im still not quite sure how i feel about us both having the same story title. i completely understand that you didnt mean to and that it was a complete coincidence. but like, its kinda weird to me.. lol. i dont know. what do you think?