
From our affiliate, @PrideReads !
          	Hey folks! 
          	As previously teased: We're thrilled to introduce "Pride in Design" to you, our new graphic shop on PrideReads! Aiming to bring a burst of colour and creativity to your screens this Pride Month. 
          	From book covers to character designs and logos or promotional material, we've got you covered! 
          	 Let’s spread some love and colour while we celebrate our designers “Pride in Design” together! 


From our affiliate, @PrideReads !
          Hey folks! 
          As previously teased: We're thrilled to introduce "Pride in Design" to you, our new graphic shop on PrideReads! Aiming to bring a burst of colour and creativity to your screens this Pride Month. 
          From book covers to character designs and logos or promotional material, we've got you covered! 
           Let’s spread some love and colour while we celebrate our designers “Pride in Design” together! 


From our affiliate, @eggyeuls ! 
          Welcome to "The Graphys" everyone, the summer sensation you won't want to miss!
          . . .
          As the sun sizzles and creativity blazes, prepare to embark on a spectacular journey. 
          "The Graphys" is an award show that aims to connect and celebrate the wizards of the web, the Picassos of pixels, and the Dali's of design. Imagine the best of Wattpad's artsy communities, just chilling and shining together in that awesome summer sunshine.
          When the last pixel clicks into place make sure you're there – "The Graphys" are calling your name!
          . . .
          Find out more about the project here:
          And come join us on our Discord server, specifically curated for this event:
          Share the news, nominate your favorite creators and help us gather the hottest talents under the summer sun for our award spectacle!


From our affiliate, @PrideReads !
          Come along to our Queer Book Talk Event!
          This event will take place in our public server and will be open all day on Friday the 5th of April! While the event is active, we encourage everyone to come along to talk about their favourite queer books!
          What can you discuss?
          Come along to talk about your favourite LGBTQ+ books and authors!
          Discuss traditionally or self published books, whether they're from Wattpad, your local bookstore or anywhere else!
          Give recommendations or ask for some!
          Discuss your favourite tropes, sub-genres, and more!
          This is a day all about socialisation and  gushing about your favourite books! Come along and get involved!
          Join the server here:


From our affiliate, @PrideReads !
          Join Our Team!
           We are looking for new members to join our welcoming team and fill a variety of roles!
          Currently, we are looking for skilled Project Managers, Book Reviewers, Contest Judges, Graphic Designers and Discord Moderators!
          If you're interested in becoming a valued member of our team, please fill out our application form which can be found in our profile guidebook!
          We look forward to welcoming you soon!
          All of us here at PrideReads


From our affiliate, Pride Reads!
          @PrideReads are looking for new members!
          We are looking to fill a variety of roles within our community and hope to greet some new members soon! We have also recently opened applications for the graphic designer role as we are looking for new designers for an upcoming project!
          If you are interested in joining our team please fill out a form by following the link below:

          We're looking forward to seeing some new applications and expanding our team. We hope to hear from you soon! ❤️


From our affiliate, Pride Reads!
          @PrideReads are looking for new members!
          We are looking to fill a variety of roles within our community and hope to greet some new members soon!
          If you are interested in joining our team please fill out a form by following the link below:

          We're looking forward to seeing some new applications and expanding our team. We hope to hear from you soon ❤️


@AstaniaCommunity just opened a Graphic Shop and are searching for designers. don’t hesitate to check out, they are such a fun community ! <3
          Our graphics shop is finally up and running! We are in need of designers to apply, as we cannot start taking requests without them. So, if you're interested in applying to be a designer for our community, what are you waiting for? »


We are currently looking our for mentors and pupils to take part in our mentoring project!
          Are you interested in helping designers? 
          Would you like someone to help you in your journey to become a designer ?
          Graphic Pals has the solution : a system of mentoring! Follow the link to find more informations ! 

          You can also join our discord server and join the system! 

          Graphic Pals is waiting for you! Join us soon!


From our affiliate Pride Reads!
          @PrideReads are looking for new members!
          The roles we are searching for include: Admin, Discord Moderator, Event Host, Interviewer and Agony Aunt/Uncle.
          Applications will close when all the positions are filled so remember, the sooner you apply the better the chances! We hope to greet some new members soon!
          If you are interested in joining our team and taking on one of these roles make sure to fill out a form by following the link below:

          Google Docs


From our affiliate Pride Reads!
          Pride Reads is a community dedicated to celebrating works featuring lgbtq+ characters and works written by authors within the lgbtq+ community. We want to provide a lively community for people to discover and share lgbtq+ literature.
          We are currently looking for literature that represents the lgbtq+ community to be featured in our reading lists! 
          Find us on Wattpad @PrideReads and feel free to join us on discord!