
If my absence hasn’t made it apparent, I am no longer writing. I appreciate all the love the stories have gotten and continue to receive but it is safe to expect that the stories will remain as they are without further updates. There may come a day when I choose to remove them and myself from the various platforms I posted on but I hope that when that day comes you understand it is simply a part of my growth and moving forward and not meant to upset anyone who found comfort in my stories. I learned and gained a lot from this phase of my life but people change and that’s okay. Thank you for everything and please continue to enjoy the stories before they possibly disappear. Every bit of love means a lot and your understanding means even more.


If my absence hasn’t made it apparent, I am no longer writing. I appreciate all the love the stories have gotten and continue to receive but it is safe to expect that the stories will remain as they are without further updates. There may come a day when I choose to remove them and myself from the various platforms I posted on but I hope that when that day comes you understand it is simply a part of my growth and moving forward and not meant to upset anyone who found comfort in my stories. I learned and gained a lot from this phase of my life but people change and that’s okay. Thank you for everything and please continue to enjoy the stories before they possibly disappear. Every bit of love means a lot and your understanding means even more.


NOTICE: If you are a reader, you may have noticed that Rearview is no longer available. I am unable to continue this story for the sake of my mental health and sobriety. At one point, it was a really fulfilling way to vent a lot of my real life feelings and heal from past experiences but somewhere along the way it began to haunt me and  do more harm than good. I took a break from writing it to see if that would help but as triggers in my life got stronger, my ability to write the story from the same place vanished. There are so many things I love about that story still, specifically the fact that it was the first story I ever wrote and shared with people during a really unprecedented and difficult time. My favorite pieces may become pieces in other original ideas I have in the works for more Independent stories but at this point, it is time to bid Rearview farewell. To everyone who read my little story and found something they resonated with. Thank you. You were the whole reason I did this in the first place. You have a piece of my heart. I appreciate all your understanding as I try to restart with a new chapter. Sometimes you just have to turn the page… 


Long time, no see friends.
          I hope you are well and I thank you for your patience. I have no guarantee as to when the next update will be. But the desire to return is there. 
          Until then, take care of yourselves and the people around you. You may not know they need it. They may not know they need it. 


@gracieyfaciey I'm glad you're okay, so happy to hear from you. Take your time! I'll still be here☺️


Sometimes life runs a million miles a minute and there is no keeping up with it. When I started writing, I was certain I would get my sea legs and be able to give you all an update schedule and consistency. But every time I think I am catching up (work, writing, personal life, health, etc) a new wave comes in and sweeps my feet out from underneath me. 
          This isn't me asking for forgiveness, because I don't need it. This is me reminding anyone reading that the only person you owe anything to is YOURSELF. I am undeniably lucky to have such a solid support system around me (Sage, Dom, Husband/Family and Non-Rat friends) who have reminded me that its not just okay that I take time for myself. Its MANDATORY. 
          Never in a zillion years when I started writing did I expect to reach a thousand reads, let alone 25k across Wattpad and AO3. I am extremely grateful to share my stories and laughter with all of you and I am not going anywhere.
          My silence is never a surrender.


Love you, always


This Bitch is officially a MARRIED WOMAN! 
          My fiancé and I eloped Saturday afternoon and it was honestly the sweetest, most fulfilling way we could have done it.
          I am back to writing as the stress of planning and work that bogged me down is now more manageable. I want to thank everyone for your patience as always. I know the feeling of wanting more of the stories you love from online authors and I never want to leave you guys hanging so here is to love, smut and a long happy future 






That's awesome!!! Congratulations


OOF! 12k on Adult Education. 
          You F*cking Perverts!
          Thank you. I can't believe this story as grown as fast as it has.
          You all rock. More to come soon <3


this message may be offensive
@gracieyfaciey such a great fucking story! Definitely something I could read more than once. You're an amazing author! ‍