
Yall….. lovely runner the new kdrama series… omg. Literally so obsessed rn


I need some ppl to write fanfics of it asap


Yall….. lovely runner the new kdrama series… omg. Literally so obsessed rn


I need some ppl to write fanfics of it asap


Y’all I’m really sry for leaving y’all on a cliffhanger (THE cliffhanger) I swear I’m not doing this on purpose, it’s just really bad timing that my teachers gave me 3 giant projects (plus a couplea really long assignments) right before exam week, and I present all the projects thursday and friday (tmrw and tmrw tmrw) and memorize scripts and also have my ero audition Saturday so I’m like full blown panicking rn and cramming practice and work hahaha 
          Anyway I’m planning on coming out w the chap sometime next week when it’s exam week bc I’m exempt from all of em (except maybe stat, we’ll see what my final grade is) cause senior privileges 


I just realized y’all might be getting a lotta notifs from me if u have notifs on (idk how it works, I turned mine off a while ago) cause I’m going on an editing spree bc I’m feeling productive rn (aka I don’t wanna get up from bed and off my phone)
          So uh
          Sorry in advance, my bad…