
soooo, this little novella (soon to be a novel!) was longlisted for the ONC. 
          	:O <— this mouth is screaming \o/
          	To commemorate, I have been having fun with the graphics for the story and went ahead and changed my cover :D. Take a look, I really think it matches Genul's quest for revenge.
          	As I said, this novella will soon become a novel. As soon as ONC is over. I already daydreamed the second portion of it and even wrote a substancial chapter.
          	I'm currently working on another project that I hope to be able to publish entirely this summer. I hope I'm at least short-listed for ONC so that I can keep going with my other project as I wait to get back to this one. Because once I can get back to this again, it's gonna be hard to chose which child to feed.
          	My announcements are always very long lol. Well—


Good luck and congrats! My previous ONC experience was quite positive, so I think expanding a project while you feel inspired is a great idea.


@TeodoratheScholar  thanks :D and that's exactly my reasoning too 


soooo, this little novella (soon to be a novel!) was longlisted for the ONC. 
          :O <— this mouth is screaming \o/
          To commemorate, I have been having fun with the graphics for the story and went ahead and changed my cover :D. Take a look, I really think it matches Genul's quest for revenge.
          As I said, this novella will soon become a novel. As soon as ONC is over. I already daydreamed the second portion of it and even wrote a substancial chapter.
          I'm currently working on another project that I hope to be able to publish entirely this summer. I hope I'm at least short-listed for ONC so that I can keep going with my other project as I wait to get back to this one. Because once I can get back to this again, it's gonna be hard to chose which child to feed.
          My announcements are always very long lol. Well—


Good luck and congrats! My previous ONC experience was quite positive, so I think expanding a project while you feel inspired is a great idea.


@TeodoratheScholar  thanks :D and that's exactly my reasoning too 


BOOM! chapters just dropped. And thus I finished my ONC project. And I passed round two, too! So let let me just bask in my own work for a sec. Anywho, I hope someone is going to read some of this before I submit because I really need feedback (puppy eyes). There's enough to actually read too, it may not be 35k words, but it's 34k words.
          Later this novella is going to be part one of full novel that I'll start writing after ONC passes. I found myself writing enemies to lovers and I'm kinda eating it up lmao. There's also lots of magic here, some mystery, lots action and blood. Just read it, guys. And have a nice day / night depending on where you are. 


So last time I was talking about how I was frustrated that I didn't publish as much as I had initially planned bc my computer was having problems. This is my vindication. So I won!
          Don't get fooled, it's only 5 chapters but it's 14k words. I would like to  keep this under 35k for ONC. Later expand to a full novel length. So I have a month to get past 20k and wrap around this story.
          Or maybe my tome is limitless, like if I don't even add this round lmao.
          Anyways, here's chapters! Enjoy 


@daled79  I see. Best luck with those projects. Fingers crossed! 


@goncalobooks Not on ONC this year. Missed it, but maybe next year. I'm busy trying to get the second book in my series published out on Amazon and elsewhere, so I've been focused on that rather than Wattpad.


@daled79  thanks a lot! I definitely have some long scenes with different subjects being explored but it varies and some chapters have 3 or even 4 scenes. You're doing ONC too? 


It's about time I publish something for ONC if I want to remain in the competition so here it is. This update is very frustrating for me because I don't like publishing unfinished story subparts. I wanted to take the main character from the enciting incident to the point he's about to start his quest, but my computer is being a hater right now and is having issues T __ T it's even worse because it's a new computer and it's already giving me hell. 
          Anyway, here's chapters. Now I'm gonna go submit my 8k milestone. 
          I just published " 03 " of my story " Through Blood | ONC 2024 ". https://www.wattpad.com/1433874599?utm_source=android&utm_medium=profile&utm_content=share_published&wp_page=create_on_publish&wp_uname=goncalobooks


So it's been a long time, right? Since last time, I changed jobs, moved to Paris and I'm now two weeks in trying to adapt to the havoc of this city. I finally feel like I can do wattpad again, and since it's ONC season, why not jump the train?
          So here it is, my ONC entry after participating four years ago. It's a revenge tale with blood magic, politicking and bisexuality-ness. 
          These days all the stories I write will have a mostly or exclusively black or centering the black experience. Because unfortunately we're still not there in terms of representation. This story is a sample of this writing resolution. 
          I hope you enjoy. I'm open to feedback too. 


@Glory_feeling2  hey Pia. I actually already lived in France. I just moved cities ;). Lol that's an interesting story 


@goncalobooks Hi! Wow! Paris, France? That's certainly a big change. Hope you will be able to settle down there. Do you know French? I only know a few words I picked up by watching TV shows. I remember when my relatives and I visited Quebec, Canada. They speak more French than English there. Anyway, my aunt was trying to order a cup of coffee in one of the coffee shops. She forgot caffee is the universal word for coffee. She phantamined her motions and I was just smiling, enjoying the show! LOL Take Care.


I have news guys :D ! 
          If you're like me and will soon resume your wattpad reading, there's this book club right here that you can join. It's a sci-fi and fantasy-limited book club, which if you're on my following list you probably qualify ;) 
          The rules are still on the work, but the main principle is known to all of you: we read each other's works at a set schedule and give feedback for improvement.
          I need to say this : YOU SHOULD BE OVER 18 YEARS OLD OF AGE TO JOIN as the books submitted will probably have mature themes.
          Hope y'all join. In the meanwhile, happy new year. And see you. 


Another bug or else? I can't to write comments on books while using the wattpad app. It's been so for weeks now, and I have already updated the app a few times. 
          I need to use the browser to be able to write comments on books. Am I the only one? This is so annoying, ugh.


@goncalobooks i use my iPad works perfectly well but agree it’s better on the computer 


@goncalobooks  sometimes you just wanna grab your phone while outside and type something ;-; and lately, it's been a struggle. Now, yep, I'm with you that using it on computer is more comfortable 


@goncalobooks The app has always been annoying. I always use the computer if I can choose.


Hello everyone,
          A quick question to Wattys seasoned peeps. Super late resolution but I'm considering submitting my main wip to the Wattys this year. The problem is that I posted its first chapter on Wattpad before January 2021. 
          Is it possible to create a new separate book to submit it, or it's seen as cheating and automatically disqualifies you?
          So, yes. I'm late, I think there are certain ways to format stuff before submission like synopsis, are there resources anyone can point me to?
          Thanks in advance. 


@Glory_feeling2  oh thanks so much Pia. Yeah that doesn't sound easy at all lol 


@goncalobooks The summary is hard work. It will be all about your story and you can only sum that up within 500 words.
            Here's what the Wattys guidelines say" 
            A plot summary must be approximately 500 words and written in third person. It should identify the major characters, key moments of action, and how the story ends. (including spoilers). If you do not have the link to the Wattys yet, here it is: https://www.wattpad.com/story/342010699-the-2023-watty-awards
            Trust me it is not as easy as writing the blurb of a story. I joined the BootCamp Mentors last May which preps you for the Wattys. They not only want your manuscript/story, but a Logline and the plot summary ... it's all in the Watty Award book. Good Luck!


@Jinx-01  I call it wip simply because my story still needs work, but all chapters are already written and published. Yep, so that rule doesn't apply. If it's okay I'll edit, post a new book and submit. If not, I'll just write another story in the meanwhile. 


          Just hit finish on UTS. It was unexpected even for me because I’d originally planned for an additional 3-4 chapters. But having taken a bit of distance from the story, I realized a few things: 
          1 – I couldn’t build up to the “final battle” I was so longing for without making the pace of the story feel wonky; 
          2 – The previous 10 chapters were already packed with lots of action, and the last three had big revelations that completely change the dynamics among the characters. And that sets Book 2 nicely. 
          I edited the last chapter to make it more conclusive and it’s done (and available to read here: https://www.wattpad.com/story/177792573-unearth-the-shadows). 
          The “big battle” is still happening of course, but that’s a Book 2’s matter now.
          So yes, FINISHT! And I’m so happy because I originally had set out to edit the previous draft of this book but ended up rewriting it, with at least 65% of the book being brand-new content and 100% being new words.
          Going forward, I’ll be correcting typos and the rougher prose here and there. Plot-wise, this version isn’t changing anymore. I’m still not sure if Book 2 will ever be up on Wattpad, but we’ll see. 
          Good weekend to all.


@goncalobooks  always! But it also felt pretty strange since I wasn't planning on finishing the book just yet :D


@goncalobooks It's a great feeling to hit that complete. Congratulations! :)