
Just checking to make sure you’re almost done, but I’ll be waiting until then.


I also forgot,
            Trying to update two stories consistently at the same time has me feeling overwhelmed…
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I am so sorry for taking so long. Honestly, I had never done an OC Insert before. I needed to take some time to plan things out. 
            Thankfully, I’ve got just about the whole plot down. I’ve been making steady progress. I know you’ve been waiting a long time, so I’ll try to get the first chapter out by the end of this week.
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That’s not what I meant! I mean the oc in all of the episodes! You know, an oc IN the show. By writing down all of the episodes?


I do, I just want you to write each episode, one chapter at a time. Besides, they only take 11 minutes each.
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@katrupp03 My deepest apologies. I wasn't aware of the terminology. 
            Very well. I will redo the chapters. For now, I only plan on doing "Unboxed", as I don't want to write something too long. I hope you understand.
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You did say you’ll notify me. So I’m waiting, sorry for being a bother.


But you only have two.


@katrupp03 This sounds like a fun challenge!
            In fact, I’ve been brainstorming what this character would look like!
            I’ll notify you when I start
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Besides, I was wondering if you could make an oc insert story from a TV show called Power Players. It’s about a boy who uses power bands to turn himself into a toy and he also has friends who are toys that come to life. I was wondering if you could do a female toy oc character in love with one of the male toys, not the bad toys.
            Here’s the link: https://www.wcoforever.net/anime/power-players
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Excuse me, do you take story requests?


@katrupp03 First of all, thank you so much for asking!
            As of right now, my hands are full with my own series
            However, I'm willing to write something that isn't too long, or NSFW
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