
Hello friends, I hope you've been well! I've gotten so nostalgic lately, remembering the day I created a Wattpad account and being scared to put my writing out there. I found many friends in the comments section and wanted to take the time to thank you all for your support. I will continue to update, although at a slower pace due to health and school, but I hope we can continue to meet in the comments and make good memories. See you soon!


Hello friends, I hope you've been well! I've gotten so nostalgic lately, remembering the day I created a Wattpad account and being scared to put my writing out there. I found many friends in the comments section and wanted to take the time to thank you all for your support. I will continue to update, although at a slower pace due to health and school, but I hope we can continue to meet in the comments and make good memories. See you soon!


Hello everyone! I want to thank you for waiting patiently for me all this time. I'm back with more imagines and projects in the works, so stay tuned! My New Year's resolution has been to write more this year, so I'm excited to share what I've been working on. What are your resolutions?


oh my god. I don’t know if you remember me still but I would always comment on new chapters you’d make in 2018....and I’d like to say sorry for suddenly stop commenting. I’m glad to see your NCT imagines book is doing so well!! You deserve it


@gladecaspian omg you’re still so sweet ;;; I will request a one shot soon!! And I’m glad you’re still continuing the book


@-resverie Well your idea was just so fun and exciting and got me out of my comfort zone, so I was thankful for your request!  I am still working on it hehe- if you ever have a request, feel free to DM me! I'd be happy to write it for you <3


:( you’re so sweet! I actually discontinued that book due to lack of motivation, sadly. I can’t believe you still remember me after two whole years.....are you still working on the NCT imagines book?


Finding the right words has been hard.  There are very hurtful things happening right now, and it's very important that we don't sit back.  Let's recognize the problem and demand change.  I'm here for you, I care for you deeply, and I'm listening to you.  The link below offers some ways to help and contribute to the BLM Movement.  I hope you speak up for those who feel like they can't.  Be their voice.  Be the change.  #BLM


My newest book "Feeling Brew" has been completed!  You may have noticed, but some of my books are connected.  To gain the full experience, I recommend reading in this order:
          1. "Something I Can't Have"
          2. "Tear"
          3. "Feeling Brew"
          4. Coming Soon :D


@mekenimeshi Ahaha, it could be ;) I dropped a spoiler in "Feeling Brew", but I will be announcing it soon :D


So your stray kids imagine hit my uwus 
          And so, imma follow you and BINGE ALL UR STORIES BEC0SE U MAKE ME uwu 
          Jk jk, except im not kidding and I shall follow u and read the stories.


@JisungTheSquirrel- I'm so thankful for your support and very glad you've been enjoying my imagines!  Hopefully my other books will be just as entertaining as the Skz one :). Thank you once again for all your love <3 :D


Your ONC story is amazing and very well written. I can't wait to read more of Sapphire and Grayson. 


@Fatally-Attractive I definitely will hehehe :D


@gladecaspian Aw, you're welcome and I can't wait to read more so you better update soon. :D 


@Fatally-Attractive Thank you so much!  I hope I can show you more interesting sides of them.  Thank you for your support <3


Can you please do a chenle one for me? Like he is the new boss and you are a staff member, and he falls in love with you


@reminisathing I just finished your imagine :)


@cococrunchlisa Sure!  I have a few imagines in line before yours, but I will do my best to write it as soon as possible :)  Thank you for requesting!