
I’ve updated my Finn image’s still over and done with....but I thought I should finish and post the last few drafts I had. Thank you for coming with me on my journey, thank you for reading. Have a blessed 2020! 


thank you so much for the votes and comments! it really means a lot to me c: hope you enjoyed reading it ❤❤❤


girl no need to thank me! Your book is just really good! And I do enjoy reading it, you got all my support!!! ❤️
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I don't think anyone cares, but happy 1 years anniversary to my debut date as an author on here. Today marks the day I first posted my first chapter of my first book. Whoever has ever read my books, who have starred it, and added it to your library, thank you so much. Having all of your just read my book is an accomplishment, I have like 2k reads and that's more than enough! Thank you all so much, to have read any of my books. Thank you to the people who gave me feed back, I wish I could have been as connected with this app before, but maybe one day I'll come back with better and new stories and books. Thank you all, I appreciate each and every viewer I have ever had. Thank you! 


So I might go watch the BTS love yourself tour in Seoul movie tomorrow. Yeah, I'm definitely not ready. I'm scared, I got my ride but I need to ask my dad. I'm scared he's gonna say no, and make it his final decision. I will cry if he doesn't let me go, I will also cry if he does. This is the closest I will ever get to see them. The closest I, Mirai will get to "in person". I honestly am overwhelmed with fear, sadness, happiness, anxiety, and many more other feelings. Idk guys.