
I'm alive in the writing sense. I have finally updated my Rhett and Link: Buies Creek story and I'm sosososososososososososososo sorry. The chapter sucks, kind of, plz still read, and I haven't done anything in forever cuz I'm lazy and had no inspiration. I wrote a sucky chapter 2 months ago but it was BAD. I have fixed it since. So if ur still here, plz read anyway. I have a lot of ideas for new stories/oneshots so don't abandon me completely


I'm alive in the writing sense. I have finally updated my Rhett and Link: Buies Creek story and I'm sosososososososososososososo sorry. The chapter sucks, kind of, plz still read, and I haven't done anything in forever cuz I'm lazy and had no inspiration. I wrote a sucky chapter 2 months ago but it was BAD. I have fixed it since. So if ur still here, plz read anyway. I have a lot of ideas for new stories/oneshots so don't abandon me completely


I have once again updated Remembering Times We Try To Forget. It would seriously mean a lot if you read it. It would mean more if you voted and/or commented. And if you can, recommend  it to your Wattpad  Rhett and Link friends. Please :/ Sorry I'm so desperate, but I am. This is really long. But while I have your attention, why don't you find my other story Rhett and Link: Buies Creek. hahahaa I'm pathetic. BUT I NEED YOUR HELP! I sound like Dora. ♥ bye ♥


@gigigoogoo  I'll write a message on my thing that sends to my followers, I'll tell 'em to check you out, you deserve it! :D


Remembering Times We Try To Forget is my new Rhett and Link story. The intro, meaning the background of the story with warnings, is all that has been posted so far.  But I recommend reading it anyway. The real story, though, will be published sooner today, probably. 


I just updated my Rhett and Link story and there will be another companioning chapter very soon, as in today :) The chapters may seem boring but were very necessary to set up what  is to come.  Please read them,  I worked very hard to make such boring chapter plots as interesting s possible.  Thank you!


I just updated my story (finally), Rhett and Link: Buies Creek,  and I hope all of my, very few, followers can read it if they get the chance. And if you don't,  that's cool, man. Be a free spirit...  I know @Dream_Bug read it cuz I'm a creep and know these things and I'm only mentioning her to say, Thank YOU!!!!!!!! I'm done being annoying. byeeee my myyythical followers. 
          P.S., the rhett and link trivia app is coming out Thursday so yay. Look forward to that if ur week is starting to suck.