
guYS I tried out wattpad's premium membership thing bc 1) you get a 30 day free trial so just cancel before it's up and 2) I was so curious what changing the color would do... like would it change the color of EVERYTHING??? or just the little banner at the top?? I couldn't find any pictures online so
          	.....but it's just the banner at the top. nothing else. on mobile, it changes the whole accent color so it's a little more noticeable.
          	BUT STILL.
          	?????? $5 a month for an ACCENT?? qvq
          	//I do like the orange color tho
          	//it reminds me of old wattpad


@marzironiandcheese That sucks. I kind of get that too but I have a super bright light sitting next to my computer that I can always use. Anyway, I don't get why Wattpad doesn't just give the option of having either a light or dark theme for free. Discord has that feature. But honestly, knowing that, who's going to pay JUST for a color change? Not smart.


@MyNameIsAlibi right?? I'm not sure why this was implemented...? Especially when you could easily install a chrome extension or something to mess with the color scheme yourself—I do that only bc wattpad doesn't have a dark mode and my eyes hurt at night ><


@marzironiandcheese  I was wondering about that. That's insane!


guYS I tried out wattpad's premium membership thing bc 1) you get a 30 day free trial so just cancel before it's up and 2) I was so curious what changing the color would do... like would it change the color of EVERYTHING??? or just the little banner at the top?? I couldn't find any pictures online so
          .....but it's just the banner at the top. nothing else. on mobile, it changes the whole accent color so it's a little more noticeable.
          BUT STILL.
          ?????? $5 a month for an ACCENT?? qvq
          //I do like the orange color tho
          //it reminds me of old wattpad


@marzironiandcheese That sucks. I kind of get that too but I have a super bright light sitting next to my computer that I can always use. Anyway, I don't get why Wattpad doesn't just give the option of having either a light or dark theme for free. Discord has that feature. But honestly, knowing that, who's going to pay JUST for a color change? Not smart.


@MyNameIsAlibi right?? I'm not sure why this was implemented...? Especially when you could easily install a chrome extension or something to mess with the color scheme yourself—I do that only bc wattpad doesn't have a dark mode and my eyes hurt at night ><


@marzironiandcheese  I was wondering about that. That's insane!


How dare you be a beautifully literate and organized writer and like my trash I am oFENDED—
          Lol jk, dude seriously be good. Nothing but the best for you and yours. 


@Kimmie_the_writer How dare YOU be so sweet???? literally crying???? BUT SRSLY THO YOUR ALICE BOOKS ARE SO GOOD ♡ There's barely any AMR stuff on here and I'm so happy to have found yours ♡♡♡