
this message may be offensive
Sometimes you guys comment on particular things I've written in past chapters and I cringe at how edgy or cliche I may have sounded but it's kinda cute lmao
          	Also this is random but I watched beastars, I ain't on no furry shit but, bruh, it was so fucking good and for no reason, the artwork was MUAH immaculate, legoshi could ram me, and like, wow it was so so good 


@ggaaaaagg omfg beastars was terrifyingly attractive to me. its so goodddd


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Sometimes you guys comment on particular things I've written in past chapters and I cringe at how edgy or cliche I may have sounded but it's kinda cute lmao
          Also this is random but I watched beastars, I ain't on no furry shit but, bruh, it was so fucking good and for no reason, the artwork was MUAH immaculate, legoshi could ram me, and like, wow it was so so good 


@ggaaaaagg omfg beastars was terrifyingly attractive to me. its so goodddd


Christmas and new year baby!


@ggaaaaagg thank you so much! And I'm holding up bb haha thank you for your concern and support! <3


@ggaaaaagg omg it was sooo goooddd tyyy for the update hope your okayy x


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hello gang, I know I'm on this weird hiatus thing and I'm sorry I'm holding the story back from you guys but I feel like every minor thing is adding on to the pile of feelings that are pulling me down. I watched the finale of steven universe and now I'm in the fucking DUMPS, literally thinking of any cartoon makes everything flood back to me so, I'm sorry, I can't just end the story here and I wont, I'll try to write and get something out soon, I just feel a little empty right now and I'm sure this feeling will go away soon, the show meant a lot to me haha. Love you guys.


@ggaaaaagg  no judgement here, love. I felt the same way >︿<


I want to update but I've been feeling so down and out of place, and that sounds so personal and edgy but, I have no drive and people lost interest but at the same time some people still really liked the story so far and wanted more. Aside from that, I sometimes feel weird I'm writing something sort of personal about a cartoon character, I know that's the whole idea of a fan fiction but, I dont know. I will update, maybe soon, maybe not, one day though, I just need to find that motive again. 


@JRW_jggy hello! Sorry, I don't want to worry anyone, but I've been completely fine, I had to do community service recently for school, I have an open schedule, so I've been writing, I promise! Thank you so much for checking up on me it's very sweet <3


@ggaaaaagg hey, how's stuff going? are you feeling any more motivated? happier? :) just checking up to see if you're alright, you haven't seem active for a while <3


@JRW_jggy I'm writing at the moment, i want to get something out before the week ends, don't worry but thank you for all your kind words, i appreciate everyone who's still sticking around and i certainly feel bad for making anyone wait :/ buttttttt i promise I'll write them as well as I can <3 much love to you and thank you for reading!


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hEY Judd gang, I'm working on these upcoming chapters, I'm really sorry I make y'all lose interest with the gaps between updates. It's my birthday, so I've been going around getting stuff for my birthday party and now that I'll rest after my birthday and shit, and finish my homework, I promise to have something out before next week! I try to make each chapter as long as possible, at least over 5,000 words as well, I don't want to just go M.I.A. and then give you a wonky 1,000 worded chapter, so stay tuned and prepared for these upcoming chapters ;) love y'all and your support, you mean a lot to me, LISTED #8 IN THE #JUDD TAG BABY, you guys make that possible. Have a swell day assholes <3