
I'm still working on FWTBT and its sequel, I'm trying to get all the chapters finished before I post them weekly, but it is taking me FOREVER.
          	I have reworked it so many times- the only thing that hasn't changed is the ending, which was actually one of the first things I wrote for it. 
          	I'm so sorry it's been ages since the last chapter, but I promise it hasn't been abandoned, just taking my time with it so it fits my vision!
          	Tempted to post some previews of upcoming chapters maybe - lemme know if you'd wanna see that?


I'm still working on FWTBT and its sequel, I'm trying to get all the chapters finished before I post them weekly, but it is taking me FOREVER.
          I have reworked it so many times- the only thing that hasn't changed is the ending, which was actually one of the first things I wrote for it. 
          I'm so sorry it's been ages since the last chapter, but I promise it hasn't been abandoned, just taking my time with it so it fits my vision!
          Tempted to post some previews of upcoming chapters maybe - lemme know if you'd wanna see that?


It's less than a week until my 23rd birthday and I'm just here like "whut"
          I'm trynna write, really am, but this is my worst bout of writer's block in mental health dipped and whilst I know I have chapters ready to go, I keep looking at them and just hating them. Just keep rewriting things ad infinitum and it's annoying me.
          Anyone else relate? 


@geekydipper Yeah, I get ya. It's only recently I got the mojo back for writing, for the longest time I was just staring at my notepad or my laptop just thinking "come on, give me something. Give me but a small bite of inspiration, a crumb of an idea..." but it wouldn't come.
            The mojo will come back when it comes back, just don't force it would be the best -if not the most mentioned- advice, but I sympathize with you.


Greetings all! Happy 2023!
          I'm sorry for another hiatus, I started a full-time job in October and don't have much time for writing due to some ✨drama✨ going on :')
          I'm planning on updating FWTBT very soon, I have most of the next two chapters written, it's just about finding the time :') I'm really sorry 


@geekydipper Don't worry about, take your time


aquest missatge pot ser ofensiu
Honestly, it drives me nuts when people don't put trigger warnings on triggering chapters. If you're gonna write about triggering stuff, at least warn readers. I will always stick obvious warnings in bold text at the top of a chapter so people know to be careful if it covers difficult topics.
          This comes off the back of a Miraculous fanfic that fucked me all the way up because it just didn't have any warning how messed up it was gonna become...but seems like the author has completely vanished off AO3 since I can't find it anymore (thank fuck for that!)


Is Miraculous Falls Vs the forces of evil going to be updated?


@Dj_Music_Dreams Okay, whoa another crossover that's so cool! I can't wait! I'm a huge fan of your stories!


Hey there all! Long time no speak! Just wanted to apologise for how sporadically I upload. I'm doing my best to keep a schedule and update Fates Aligned (at least) once a month if I can but I'm entering the last two months of my final degree year so my workload is huge! I'll try my best, I haven't abandoned all of my stories and I'll do my best to keep them updated as often as I can. ❤