
Finally back on ,Wattpad, I started a new fanfic I dunno if anyone is interested in it, but its an au where Percy, and Annabeth are actors.


Hey I like your stories and I was just wondering if I could be in your demigods meet demigods story? I took the test and I’m a daughter of Poseidon. Thanks for thinking about it! Also it would be great if you could read my story and comment what you think! Thanks again!


@ArianaPinapple i just noticed this.
            I'll be sure to check it out.


I'm thinking of making a Fanfic based on Once Upon A Time.
          Here is a preview, tell me if you like it!
          The United Realms
          Give this to either Zelena, Regina, Emma, or Henry Mills.
          I’m in The United Realms.
          You heard it right, and there is no one here, except for me, and Hope, my Nephew, she’s like 5, I think?
          See after my grandmother Regina cast the Dark Curse, but instead of crushing the heart of the one she loves most, everyone gave a piece of the love in their heart.
          So, that transported all of the Kingdoms, Deserts, Everything, into where Storybrooke is.
          But, how would you fit all of the realms, including the Wish Realm into a forgotten part of Maine, you ask?
          Well, you should probably ask the Magic Experts, Regina, Zelena, and my sister, who doesn’t know much, Emma.
          She’s like 30 years older than me or something.
          She already has a son who is probably double my age, and I’m like 14, and he’s my Nephew.
          And he has a daughter named Lucy, who is 17.
          If you didn’t know my name is Neal Nolan, I was named after my sister, Emma’s Ex-Lover, who is now Dead.
          My mom is Snow-White, I know, it is the Snow White.
          My Father is Prince Charming, his real name is David.
          Pls, help us!
          There is no one here.
          “Mom” I shouted.
          I had just got a message from myself from the future?
          I’m currently 9 years old, I’m Neal Nolan if you haven’t guessed by now.
          “Yes, Neal?” She said after coming here.
          “I received a message from myself and it says to give the message to either Grandma Regina, Zelena, or Emma!”
          “Give that here,” She said
          I handed it to her.
          Her eyes narrowed onto the paper, “oh, dear” she said
          “Emma!” She shouted
          “Emma!” She shouted again.


Pereyna, pipercy,perlia,pertemis,pernico,Percy x racheal brotp, are all good, 
          Change my mind


@grandpa_kronos Fine I will make a special book dedicated to all these ships