
New chapter of The Alien Warrior's Surrogate is up today! Enjoy it now. :) 
          	Happy monday!


I started your book the alien commander surrogate last and it wasn't updated since last year and I love your book I'm patiently waiting till this one is finished so i can go on to the next one I hope al is well with you and to keep up the good work and I hope to see more from you soon


Just finished reading both TACS and TAWS, i'm captivated and you get the feeling when you've read a very interesting story but it's incomplete.please!please!please!please! Just asking when are you gonna update either or both stories♥️♥️♥️i would really love to know♥️♥️♥️


I just read Alien Commander's Surrogate and absolutely loved it!! But I just realized it is an "ongoing" book and hasn't been updated in a few months. Curious if this is still one you are pursuing + finishing? Or is it published somewhere? Fell absolutely in love with it, and am so excited to finish reading it!


Sup mate, just a quick minutes of your time, I noticed that you are a very enthusiastic writer so that makes you a good judge of a story, I need help with that, I started a story here to see how people might react to it so I can have a better vision on its future,I'm updating it soon though so I would highly appreciate if you can check it.


Hi, Just wondering if your story, The Alien Commander’s Surrogate, is actually ‘COMPLETE’ now that you’ve already started Book 2?
          I always wait patiently for books to be completely finished (don’t care if edited or not though), so that I won’t get caught reading a great story and have an author suddenly leave it incomplete (super frustrating from prior experience). 
          I did look at the very last chapter of TACS as some authors choose to leave finished but unedited stories labeled as ‘ONGOING’. So sometimes you can get an indication from chapter titles of Epilogue or  find ‘The End’ written with an Author’s Note of thanks. Unfortunately I couldn’t gauge anything from that last chapter so I’m kind of guessing perhaps it’s unfinished still???
          I’m so very eager to read it!


 Oh thank you so much for clarifying that for me. Honestly it’s totally up to you how you manage your stories. Some do write several stories at once (how they keep each storyline and characters straight phantoms me, heehee). You have no need to change how you do things at all. It is only my observation from previous stories I’d been watching and eagerly awaiting to read that upon noticing ‘Ongoing’ still marked yet no new chapter has been written for quite a while that I did a bit of investigation an realised that I guess those particular authors do not consider their story ‘COMPLETE’ until it’s tidied and edited to their satisfaction. But as a reader, I realise most utilise this platform for first-drafts so stories are often ‘Complete’ with  a note of editing later or not at all as I guess they use reader interest to gauge if they will go on to refine and publish works on paying platforms like Amazon etc. Other authors simply have said they write just to share the stories in their head (no intention to move onto payed publishing) and also note apologies for possible poor grammar or plot hole but that they won’t be fixed. So again it’s totally up to you how you manage your work. I guess that the thing about Wattpad, allow authors freedom to choose how works are published on this platform giving you control. Honestly it was just a question from my selfish eagerness to know if it was done yet, heehee! Knowing you write concurrently I now know to wait till COMPLETE appears. Best wishes with future work!


Thank you so much for asking, and for educating me! I’m new to wattpad still.  Both stories are currently ongoing, with Commander being the more advanced story. I’ll try to get it noted that they are on-going to clarify!  
            I hope you enjoy them (when they’re done!)! 