
I have two new stories up!!
          	The first one, entitled “IMRE”, is about a young witch who finds herself going on an adventure alongside her best friend, a homeless vampire with a habit of being hand-fed.
          	The second, called “Night Life”, is a short story about a young man who, after a devastating breakup, desperately pursues the likeness of a mysterious girl he sees at a party. It’s realistic, hard-hitting banger you’re not gonna want to miss!
          	Look out for future updates!


I have two new stories up!!
          The first one, entitled “IMRE”, is about a young witch who finds herself going on an adventure alongside her best friend, a homeless vampire with a habit of being hand-fed.
          The second, called “Night Life”, is a short story about a young man who, after a devastating breakup, desperately pursues the likeness of a mysterious girl he sees at a party. It’s realistic, hard-hitting banger you’re not gonna want to miss!
          Look out for future updates!


As of late, I’d say that, perhaps to the dismay of the community, I’ve retired my fic writing habits. I’ve finally found the motivation to start some work of my own that’s completely original to me, and I’m starting to become quite happy with the decision. It means I’ll get to experiment with more things and improve my world building and character development. Truth be told, the hardest part about the drastic change is that I lose the audience I once had and find myself really pushing to get out there. I have faith that it’ll go okay though. I just hope I can stay active with my work. If you were a supporter of my previous fan work I would really appreciate it if you gave my original content a try! I’ll still keep a few similar themes every now and then. I’m looking forward to where this stuff will take me. Thank you for all of the support and remember to support small creators! 


Hey guys, I cleared out a whole lot from my board because a good majority of it was really negative stuff from over a year ago. I’m cleaning this place up a little and trying to keep it neat. I’ve applied to college (and been accepted into one) so I have some more time on my hands lately. I hope to be able to write more often. Thanks for sticking around. I appreciate all of you. :)


heads up to all the freshmen this year: school is important and so is freshman year but don’t beat yourself up over a bad grade now and then. High school is an adjustment but you’ll get used to it and you’ll learn time management and how to fit things in appropriately. Right now it seems chaotic but it’ll get easier. Also don’t think that just because you’re in high school now that you’re any more mature than you used to be. That comes with growth. Take it from a senior and enjoy high school while it lasts. You’re only a kid for so long.


PSA that I feel blessed every time I see somebody add my work to their collections for favorites or anything. I genuinely really appreciate it! I want to start writing more original pieces, so I’m sorry to say that there probably won’t be anymore fanfiction, although I still may update October 31st eventually, but my writing time is limited lately with me preparing for my college art portfolio. I’m not very active here anyway, but I’ll let you guys know whenever I post. Thanks!


if you like my hero academia my friend @mavdrabbles has a fic about a class of UA OCs and my bab kohaku is one of them so pls go give it a read thanks bye


@mavdrabbles <3 <3 <3 <3 (I tried to do kissy face emojis for more emphasis but they don’t show up so I had to do heart emojis)




is someone on amino telling everybody that Love Me Tender is smut bc people keep adding my story to their reading lists (which is great!) but they’re filled with porn and smut,,? and I’m just a little confused? :/ my story’s pure my pals there’s no sexy times in the story about the drunk kiss.


With both serious pieces out of the way, I have about four chapters to add to "October 31st". I'm well aware that my most popular piece among the Danganronpa community is my "Love Me Tender" series, but I really encourage you all to read this one! It's ongoing and follows an original story line. It started way back in October, although I started planning back in August 2017. Unfortunately due to motivation spurts coming and going, emotional roller coasters, and life in general I just haven't had time to update in a while. I don't really plan to abandon it, despite my falling out from the fandom in general. I just really love the plot and I want to see it through. There's a lot more in store. It includes a bunch of Danganronpa favorites (though mostly SDR2) and a couple ships too (because who can resist). I really encourage you guys to read it and give some awesome feedback. I'd really appreciate it. :)