
Hello everyone! I know its been a very long time, and for that i apologise. Im aware that it's been months since i have updated, and my books have almost reached 900k reads each, which is entirely phenomenal, and incomprehensible. I thank you all dearly for that. However, i dont know if i ever will update again, or if i will even keep this account, since i struggle to maintain everyday life, due to poor mental health. All things aside, i love you all, believe in you all, and when i find the courage, i will write for you again <3


@freshcupotea thank you so much that is very much appreciated ❤️


I’m sorry your mental health is like that right now, I hope you feel better soon. I just wanna say I’m proud of you and your writing is amazing! i love you! -Mimi


Hello everyone! I know its been a very long time, and for that i apologise. Im aware that it's been months since i have updated, and my books have almost reached 900k reads each, which is entirely phenomenal, and incomprehensible. I thank you all dearly for that. However, i dont know if i ever will update again, or if i will even keep this account, since i struggle to maintain everyday life, due to poor mental health. All things aside, i love you all, believe in you all, and when i find the courage, i will write for you again <3


@freshcupotea thank you so much that is very much appreciated ❤️


I’m sorry your mental health is like that right now, I hope you feel better soon. I just wanna say I’m proud of you and your writing is amazing! i love you! -Mimi