
The only thing ive learned going back is that im the funniest motherfucker i know


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You know that feeling you get when you see an old account of yours from when you were a little annoying shit cause I just saw it and ffffcjcn the only good things on that account are the people the stories I commented on and the fucking pan/bread fic I wrote 3 years ago I STILL remember and love. God I'm just hit with this urge to apologize to anyone I ran into back then like "I'm sorry I existed then and you let me I promise I'm somewhat a better person. At least less annoying" 


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I swear almost all of my message boards are me talking to myself in various points in time and being an asshole to myself or screaming random shit and I just,, if that ain't me


@frerardandly Don't be too hard on yourself...that's what grammar nazis and families are for


@frerardandly I think it's your overwhelming urge to make fun of yourself and make people laugh at your expense. Also your just an idiot but I love you