
BOOK order:
          	BETTY : currently being published 
          	IVY : on hold
          	EXILE : on hold 
          	DELICATE : on hold 
          	HOAX : on hold
          	THE BOLTER : on hold 
          	Currently I will be going to be publishing these books one at a time - unless I change my mind - but I’d like to say I’m a fast writer but I just have so many ideas that I need to plot down so fast otherwise it’s gone! 
          	Enjoy, Libitina


BOOK order:
          BETTY : currently being published 
          IVY : on hold
          EXILE : on hold 
          DELICATE : on hold 
          HOAX : on hold
          THE BOLTER : on hold 
          Currently I will be going to be publishing these books one at a time - unless I change my mind - but I’d like to say I’m a fast writer but I just have so many ideas that I need to plot down so fast otherwise it’s gone! 
          Enjoy, Libitina


I’ve decided that I will be publishing the stories in ORDER! This is so the storyline is much clearer and starting from the beginning is much - much!!!!! easier. 
          So!!!!! Betty is being rewritten once again, I just haven’t been liking how it’s been written so my whole mind map has have some twigs and is now (hopefully) PERFECTION. 
          -anyways, Betty is a FanFiction between James Potter and my OC: Maeve Lupin - the twin sister of
          It is quite a fast burn but not really - don’t know how to describe it - like - MIDDLE NEAR BEGINNING - but! It is going to be a LONGGGGGG book so - they need time before 1981 - HAAHAHA. 
          Anyways - enjoy the republish of Betty - for like the 1927293732928th time. Xoxoxo
          PS - any spelling mistakes in these update status’ - you don’t see them aka - too lazy to reread