
Just wanted to say to everyone who has read my book: GRAYSON IS BISEXUAL I SHOULD HAVE MADE THAT CLEAR IM SORRY OKAY! I understand that being gay is not a phase but as a character Grayson felt that he was experimenting and getting to know his sexuality at the beginning of the book. He furthermore explores his sexuality throughout the book and realizes his attraction towards Maya. He is obviously attracted to both genders hence he is bisexual. I should have titled it “I Turned My Gay Best Friend Bisexual” but I didn’t. I hope you understand that I didn’t meant to offend anyone by having Grayson say that he was going through a phase. He was very confused as a character since he has only felt such a strong attraction towards Maya and not his boyfriend or other guys. I hope you guys understand why Grayson acts the way he does in my story. Btw sorry this is so long.


Thank you for the follow honey 


You’re welcome. I really like your books so far, a bit upset about the end of book 2 cause I share the same name as the main character  but I will continue to read your series. Your books are very well written and have intriguing plot lines so I’m excited to continue the series.


Just wanted to say to everyone who has read my book: GRAYSON IS BISEXUAL I SHOULD HAVE MADE THAT CLEAR IM SORRY OKAY! I understand that being gay is not a phase but as a character Grayson felt that he was experimenting and getting to know his sexuality at the beginning of the book. He furthermore explores his sexuality throughout the book and realizes his attraction towards Maya. He is obviously attracted to both genders hence he is bisexual. I should have titled it “I Turned My Gay Best Friend Bisexual” but I didn’t. I hope you understand that I didn’t meant to offend anyone by having Grayson say that he was going through a phase. He was very confused as a character since he has only felt such a strong attraction towards Maya and not his boyfriend or other guys. I hope you guys understand why Grayson acts the way he does in my story. Btw sorry this is so long.