
I have absolutely no motivation to do anything. 
          	I’m not depressed I don’t think. I don’t have the excuse that I have a busy life outside Wattpad, which I do but I’ve had plenty of days to write, I’m just not motivated. I don’t feel motivated to write and when I force myself it just turns out crappy. I have a few ideas on what to write but it’s just sad. I want to write happier but also melodic poems and I want to finish the virus book. I want to do so many things but every time I write something out I scratch it and throw everything away. I have no idea what I’m doing.


Thank you for the advise and help! I’ll try not to pressure myself so much.


Ok, here’s my advice. If you have no motivation to write, just don’t. Take a break for as long as you want. If you get a really cool idea, write it down so you know what it is when you get your motivation back. I’ve lost all motivation to write before, and I’m only just getting it back as of recently. Don’t force yourself to write. Then you’ll just start hating it. You’re allowed to take breaks.


I have absolutely no motivation to do anything. 
          I’m not depressed I don’t think. I don’t have the excuse that I have a busy life outside Wattpad, which I do but I’ve had plenty of days to write, I’m just not motivated. I don’t feel motivated to write and when I force myself it just turns out crappy. I have a few ideas on what to write but it’s just sad. I want to write happier but also melodic poems and I want to finish the virus book. I want to do so many things but every time I write something out I scratch it and throw everything away. I have no idea what I’m doing.


Thank you for the advise and help! I’ll try not to pressure myself so much.


Ok, here’s my advice. If you have no motivation to write, just don’t. Take a break for as long as you want. If you get a really cool idea, write it down so you know what it is when you get your motivation back. I’ve lost all motivation to write before, and I’m only just getting it back as of recently. Don’t force yourself to write. Then you’ll just start hating it. You’re allowed to take breaks.


Guess. What. Just. Freakin. Happened
          I’m getting one of my poems published!! Well, not from my book “lost poems” but a poem I wrote at school. The book is called “Crazy Creatures” and will be published on November 30th, 2019. 
          Over 9,000 people submitted their works all the way from Texas to California! OVER 9,000! Of all those people I was chosen with a many few others. 
          I’m so excited! There’s even a grand prize of a free IPad and Trophy for the best poem plus the three runner-ups get a $50 coupon on Amazon. Honestly I wouldn’t care if I didn’t get a prize, I’m just happy I’m getting something created by me published for people to read.


Hey! So I’ve been a tiny bit, inactive recently and I wanna say I’m SOOOOOOOO supper sorry for that. 
          I don’t know if those of you who actually red my books follow me but if you do, I have an important announcement. 
          I won’t be too inactive anymore! (yayyy) I mean school still exist and life is still a thing we all have to deal with but I got a lil more inspiration! So yee, thanks for bein here! Bye byeeee