
Hey fellow readers,
          	I’m just here to say thank you so much for all the support! I can’t believe how far my books have come since I joined 6 years ago!
          	I’m still writing at the moment, the main book is MMB. However I have not edited anything yet. There will be mistakes. I will edit once I get time! Being a uni student with a broken hand makes it hard to write!! But I try to get chapters out for you lovely lot.
          	Anyway! Thanks everyone! Keep reading!
          	Chloe ☼


@forest_wonders1 love your book they practically keep me alive
          	  jk but seriously i love you books


Hi, Would you like to check out my story?
          Seven Tales… Seven lifes… One story
          In order to save her brother from becoming a slave, she takes his place.
          In order to find her way back to her brother, she agrees to marry a monster…
          Unbeknownst to her, Lycan Silver is a bloodthirsty monster that hungers for the blood of his brides. Known of them have made it past the first night. 
          Until Umi does…


Y’all are so mean, she said she was at uni, that’s already hard enough per se and she may have something else going on in her life. Also for sure all of you being mad because bohoo a story that is supposed to be completed instead it’s not, surely isn’t helping the author, who is a person and not a robot that has to do everything you order. A lot of stories are signed as completed when instead they aren’t but I don’t see that much hate on those. What happened to be kind to each other? I get it, you’re mad, but that’s even too much how you’re acting, we aren’t little kids so let’s not act like them and be more mature and supportive.  (sorry it there are any mistakes but English is my third language)