
Chapter 18 of “BEYOND TIME” is up!! ;) 


Dear BEYOND TIME Readers,
          I would like to apologize for the delay in releasing new chapters of my fanfic. I am currently dedicating time to fine-tuning the plot. While I am certain about the direction the story will take, my goal is to craft it in a way that honors the original material.
          I am carefully arranging the storylines involving Polly, Digory and the Pevensie parents and ancestors, to ensure they align with the Harry Potter canon. This includes meticulous research into their ages and the characters they would have interacted with. 
          Although our story diverges from the canon by including characters from Narnia, I am committed to respecting established birthdates or other events that would remain unaffected by their presence.
          The plot is set to take some significant turns in the upcoming chapters, and I aim to manage these developments as smoothly as possible.
          Thank you for your patience and support! :)