
Hi guys
          So it’s been a little while since I’ve posted anything on my message board and I apologize. But I come bearing good and bad news.
          Bad news is His Secret will no longer be continued BUT the characters, Valentina and Alessandro, they won’t be going anywhere. As I tried to write the next chapter of His Secret I’ve realized that I in fact don’t really like the whole mafia theme of the book anymore. It’s too difficult for me to keep up with and the whole mafia thing just throws me off (after almost two years of having the book out lol).
          Whilst His Secret won’t be continued, Valentina and Alessandro will still be main characters in another book, however this book will not have the whole mafia theme. The plot (pregnancy trope) will still be in there and the whole secret relationship/can’t be together trope will be there as well, just written differently.
          I apologize sincerely for those waiting for another chapter just to get hit with this news. I do hope however you enjoy their next story.
          Good news is, I’m writing again! Had to take time to get my inspiration back and it’s finally sparked. Can’t wait for your guys to see what I have in store. <33
          — Nia.




@flxtter- super excited!! Absolutely cannot wait for this new book!<3