
tin nhắn này có thể mang tính công kích
i thought my love for bts was perishing slowly but when i watched boy with luv's mv. i don't know, i was so damn sentimental. maybe, i was so proud of our boys and when my friend spoke bullshit about them i felt like breaking his face and i cried it all, yup. those pretty boys are one of the precious things in the world who can make me wail like a sensitive ass. i live for bts ❤


 @fluffyseulgibear ohh! that's all we want, respect. <33
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@fluffyseulgibear aah ! That's sweet but actually my love actually has started to disappear and i don't really think am gonna come back to where I was.... It's mostly lost and occupied by other artists but i think I can always respect them as an amazing artist <3 
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Hello there love . 
          How's your day is it good ? Dont overworked yourself  . Don't pressure yourself. Make sure to eat on time n have a good rest . Sleep atleast 8 hours a day . You're already enough . No need to be insecure . You're loved , You're kind , You're beautiful and last but not least you have god around you so why be insecure ? He made you perfectly bby <3 
          Take care there my love , be happy I love you ^^


tin nhắn này có thể mang tính công kích
i thought my love for bts was perishing slowly but when i watched boy with luv's mv. i don't know, i was so damn sentimental. maybe, i was so proud of our boys and when my friend spoke bullshit about them i felt like breaking his face and i cried it all, yup. those pretty boys are one of the precious things in the world who can make me wail like a sensitive ass. i live for bts ❤


 @fluffyseulgibear ohh! that's all we want, respect. <33
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@fluffyseulgibear aah ! That's sweet but actually my love actually has started to disappear and i don't really think am gonna come back to where I was.... It's mostly lost and occupied by other artists but i think I can always respect them as an amazing artist <3 
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@fluffyseulgibear heyaaaaaaaa myy spookyyy friemdssssssss
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since you state that you're a scorpio and it's november. so.... 


@charmingyeji i thought nobody was gonna ask but it passed, bear! 
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❝ telling someone they need to let go and move on is speaking to them in a language they don't understand. letting go can be the most difficult thing to do, some of us never let go. we remain stuck forever. the language of letting go means placing yourself at a centre of a foreign place where you understand nothing. a place so uncomfortable, it stirs an anxiety in your belly, where each second is stretched into a lifetime. it is the acceptance of their death. whether there has been death or not. letting go is not knowing when you'll come out of them. it is knowing eventually you shall.	❞ - rupi kaur


Thanks for the follow.Have a great day ❤️


@Candeo_ okay, amelia! im wulan, can we be friends? :)
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Btw call me Amelia ..i pick this name fir Wattpad (◠‿・)—☆
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❝ it's just really scary how unpredictable people are. at one moment, they make you feel as if you're finally home and get you all comfortable and attached to them and the next they could be so brutally distant and harsh to you. that isn't everyone though. life has its own ways to teach us a lesson that is letting go of what doesn't want to stay. believe me what wants to stay will find a reason to, despite all odds. who wants to genuinely be with you will never abandon you. someone who doesn't wanna stay won't care how deeply you love them. it's a tough lesson to learn. i hope you let go knowing that the better is yet to come. stay strong. ❞