
Really sorry to anyone that might've been reading Stolen Moments for the really long hiatus  >.< I'm back now! But I've still got a lot of work and stress to think about so updates will be slow. At least they won't be non-existent. To you, if you're reading this, thanks for sticking around <3


Really sorry to anyone that might've been reading Stolen Moments for the really long hiatus  >.< I'm back now! But I've still got a lot of work and stress to think about so updates will be slow. At least they won't be non-existent. To you, if you're reading this, thanks for sticking around <3


I've not done anything in a long time. It's partly been due to a lack of interest, partly due to stress, and largely to do with my horribly obsessive perfectionism. It feels like anything I write now, just isn't good enough. So I write chapters that go un-posted, and I've come up with a system to (hopefully) satisfy my perfectionism. I write a plan for a story, from beginning to end; the events of every single chapter outlined. I know how the book ends before I begin writing. I write a first draft of the novel, (this is where I currently am with a Calum fic), and then I adjust the original plan accordingly. I go back to the story and refine a sub-plot (idk why but i always think sub-plots are important, though i may abandon this idea). Then I do a final draft. When I begin the final draft, I'll post chapters one a regular schedule. I don't think many of you care about this, but just in case anybody wondered what I was up to, or why Stolen Moments hadn't been updated in forever; this is why. Stolen Moments was written in a very loose format and I never knew how I would end it, I'll think on it and come back to it, but for now I'm focusing on other things. Thanks x