
I posted the next chapter of How to Catch a Bumblebee! Sorry for the long wait guys, but I hope you enjoy. Feel free to comment and tell me what you thought; I love to hear feedback. You can read it here:


@fight_or_write ight...I just found your how to catch a bumblebee story and I'm pretty sure others are asking the same question....when you finna update dis joint? ❤


I posted the next chapter of How to Catch a Bumblebee! Sorry for the long wait guys, but I hope you enjoy. Feel free to comment and tell me what you thought; I love to hear feedback. You can read it here:


@fight_or_write ight...I just found your how to catch a bumblebee story and I'm pretty sure others are asking the same question....when you finna update dis joint? ❤


I'm working on the next chapter of HtCaBBB at the moment, and I'm really struggling with it - the chapter is fighting me tooth and nail! I can't make any promises, but know that I'm working super hard to get it finished and published. Love you guys, and thank you for being patient with me! <3


I'm working on a new book!! Exciting! Also I was supposed to get a bunch of stuff done tonight but I didn't so now that's gonna bite me in the butt tomorrow but whatever. I also posted two more chapters with TFP: Book o' Laughs, so go check that out! The new book should be published around tomorrow I think?? Hopefully. I've wanted to write it for a while, so I hope you guys enjoy it!