
Hey lovelies! Chapter 70 is up. Do check it out and give your feedback <3


Heyy! How are y’all? 
          I am fine. was just busy with the schedule so couldn’t interact with you all. Half of the chapter is ready, I will post soon but I am writing this note to reach out to my special people, I remember some of my followers were neet aspirants, I just came to know today that it happened. Well how did it go for you all? 
          @akileshammu what about you girl? I wanted to reach you out personally but since wattpad deleted the personal messaging feature I am posting it here. Will be waiting for all of your responses <3
          P.S: even if you didn’t make it, it doesn’t define your worth! Maybe Allah SWT has planned something better for you, having gone through the same process last year I can surely say that we don’t understand his plans first but when we do, we realize nothing else could’ve been better! 


Assalamualaikum! Hope y’all are fine. I’m good. My exams are start from 6th may, and I have not studied much so now I am not getting any time to do any hobbies. Pls understand I am not being rude by not updating. I had nothing to do when I started the stories so I was updating regularly but now as I am studying in a different city I have to adjust in hostel and visit home in holidays. I can’t promise you next update soon as I am have to go home after exams. But I will try my best. Pls pray for my exams <3


Hi! This is especially for my “THEIR PRINCESS AND HIS QUEEN” people, I hope you still remember me. i know you guys are waiting for so long. But even though I haven’t updated since long, I am never abandoning this book. It is very much special to my heart. The characters are very precious to me and I have so many new ideas for this. Just pray that I get the time and energy to write so that I can start updating again regularly. 


My exams will be finished,so i want a mind relaxing chapter plssss


@ffsbysomedaydreamer yup take your time but please if possible do update on 7 pleaseeeeeeeee 


Assalamualaikum guys! How are you all doing? I am fine. I know you all are waiting for the updates and trust me I have so many ideas to write too but the thing is I am very much struck with happenings in my life. I know I know I said I will update after completing the target but I am sorry there are so many things going on in life and writing is just a hobby I am not really getting any time for my hobbies heck I am not even getting time to do so many things that are important. So I hope you understand my apology. I know how frustrating it can be when an author leaves you on cliffhangers but I am also a human, i need energy to do things and nowadays I am feeling totally exhausted with so much work. First I had thought to update on weekend but then again I am staying in hostel, so I had to do many things on weekend too. Pls understand I am not being rude by not updating or replying y’all. I love you guys very much <3


@ ffsbysomedaydreamer  it's completely okay, take your time dear ❤️