
For some reason Wattpad removed my “Friend Request {BxB}” book .


@fatoooomy stupid people reporting a story bc they don't like it. We put all the tags and warnings but still not enough for those people.


@jrzy79 not at all
          	  It was a short story 
          	  They said due to violence but there was no violence or nothing more detailed than being hit by his homophobic father 
          	  Yet they removed my book


@fatoooomy did it have 16 yr Olds consenting to sexual things?


For some reason Wattpad removed my “Friend Request {BxB}” book .


@fatoooomy stupid people reporting a story bc they don't like it. We put all the tags and warnings but still not enough for those people.


@jrzy79 not at all
            It was a short story 
            They said due to violence but there was no violence or nothing more detailed than being hit by his homophobic father 
            Yet they removed my book


@fatoooomy did it have 16 yr Olds consenting to sexual things?


I Think Nick forgave his family and boyfriend easily and I want to know why Simon still returned his ring after Adam came to apologize and probably explained what really happened and were they sorry after Adam apologized or the still didn’t believe him until he tried killing himself ? Sorry I just want to know 


Okay …..Thank you 


And I think at some point in real life people at this situation do be suicidal and Nick tried attempting it 
            I myself cried when I wrote that ‍♀️


Don’t be sorry 
            When I read a story I also have questions about it so it’s fine.
            So The reason why Nick is so forgiving is Because I believe that Nick is a family boy a family man for him is family his man are important , he would do anything for them. When Finn misunderstood him the first time Nick was heart broken yet he couldn’t say him anything so he left .
            Adam when came to apologise and explain yet then he said things he shouldn’t say 
            And there is a phrase it says “don’t make a decision when ur angry or else u will regret” so that happened with Simon he was pissed thinking Nick used him and cheated on him so he took that decision without thinking if he will actually be able to live without Nick in his life
            So he took a decision when in reality he never wanted that to happen and about the family 
            He never expected that from Nick 
            That their baby boy Nick would ever cheat on someone so they were disappointed 


Whoo Hooo! The new chapter was so cute. Happy you were well enough to post. Did I make a poem based on you book title? Yes. Do I have an unhealthy obsession? Yes. But I still hope you like it... 
          Damn, His Eyes
          - Poem by Me :) 
          In a world of shadows and disguise,
          There's a man, a master of the lies,
          Damn his eyes, how they mesmerize.
          With a glance, he captures the soul,
          Burning passion, he has full control,
          Damn his eyes, they devour the whole.
          Like midnight stars, they glisten with fire,
          With every look, desire they inspire,
          Damn his eyes, they never tire.
          They hold secrets, mysteries untold,
          A glimpse into a darkness so bold,
          Damn his eyes, they can't be controlled.
          Yet, they hold a charm, alluring and true,
          A siren's call, irresistible, it grew,
          Damn his eyes, they break hearts in two.
          They dance with mischief and mischievous delight,
          Intriguing, the way they ignite,
          Damn his eyes, they shine so bright.
          But be cautious, for within their depths,
          Lies danger, a love that intercepts,
          Damn his eyes, they're love's only tests.
          So beware the gaze, so captivating,
          For with passion's flame, he's captivating,
          Damn his eyes, they're truly fascinating.


I know I’m a little late to notice this but damn this what you have written is soooo good so amazing and I love it ❤️
            What makes it so special is that it’s about my book ❤️ you gonna make me cry 
            Thankyou soo much for this 
            I remember when I wrote my first book I did it cause I was bored and thought no one will like it and then I tried again gave my self a second chance and gave it my all when I wrote my 2nd book and fell in love with the characters and kept writing
            Never thought my book will have a sequel and yet here it is 
            Yet people are loving it so thank you soo much ❤️❤️