
this message may be offensive
Hello my readers,
          	I am here because some of you started to question my character based on how my story progress. I feel really bad when some people say that i am mentally ill or my mentality is sick. 
          	You all need to understand that "The legendary love" was my first ever story on wattpad which i had wrote after reading so many other wattpad fanfics. So as a fetus writing, the story will not be a perfect one and will have so many defects. If you are uncomfortable with reading it then please kindly don't read it. I am fed up with people spewing hate on me. 
          	I am aware of how brutal is sexual assault and rape are and i am aware of how it can traumatise people. So pleass refrain from saying that i am unaware of such. 
          	Please be kind enough to understand that "The legendary love" and its sequel are fanfictions written by an unexperienced person and not someone who wants to justify rape or sexual abuse. 
          	And i am begging you all to not attack me with your comments. 
          	Everyone comments that don't get offeneded and then they spew all the offensive hate comment's at me. If it is not supposed to offend me then please refrain yourself from commenting hate. 
          	I am really sorry if you all find my story triggering or umcomfortable for you all. 
          	Please stop commenting on my character and mentality i am on the verge of deleting both the  storyand its sequel. 
          	And every offensive comment is worsening my already worse deprssion and anxiety attacks
          	 Thank you for all who take the story as a fanfic and a fragment of my immature imagination and not a threat or offence that i am intentionally displaying here.❤


this message may be offensive
Hello my readers,
          I am here because some of you started to question my character based on how my story progress. I feel really bad when some people say that i am mentally ill or my mentality is sick. 
          You all need to understand that "The legendary love" was my first ever story on wattpad which i had wrote after reading so many other wattpad fanfics. So as a fetus writing, the story will not be a perfect one and will have so many defects. If you are uncomfortable with reading it then please kindly don't read it. I am fed up with people spewing hate on me. 
          I am aware of how brutal is sexual assault and rape are and i am aware of how it can traumatise people. So pleass refrain from saying that i am unaware of such. 
          Please be kind enough to understand that "The legendary love" and its sequel are fanfictions written by an unexperienced person and not someone who wants to justify rape or sexual abuse. 
          And i am begging you all to not attack me with your comments. 
          Everyone comments that don't get offeneded and then they spew all the offensive hate comment's at me. If it is not supposed to offend me then please refrain yourself from commenting hate. 
          I am really sorry if you all find my story triggering or umcomfortable for you all. 
          Please stop commenting on my character and mentality i am on the verge of deleting both the  storyand its sequel. 
          And every offensive comment is worsening my already worse deprssion and anxiety attacks
           Thank you for all who take the story as a fanfic and a fragment of my immature imagination and not a threat or offence that i am intentionally displaying here.❤


Hi author Gagru!....  Hope your new position is going well!   Just wondering if you are going to complete the last two chapters of Vampires Omega!  It's a great story and I'm looking forward to its conclusion and adding it to my archives.


             Fyi...  I've been a hugh fan of vampire and wolves (werewolf) stories forever.  I read so many novels I can't count. So that's was prompted me to read "TVO".


@Kjreadstoo i am planning to complete it before the end of this month :)


Could you finish your story the vampire’s Omega ?


@Rachel984545 work schedule is kinda hectic nowadays so completing that story will take a while. But i can assure you that i am trying my best to finish it within this month.


Stumbled up on this masterpiece by accident and after reading i am hooked to it. Such an amazing story with high level of emotions.❤
          Wanted to share this with you guys so that you can also expierience what i felt through reading this story..........


@fantaesticgagru oh that's really nice I love this kind of stories too. Will need this story soon.


@Taekooks_Underwear after reading it i am not actually sure of top or bottom because it didn't have any mature scenes. Apart from that i think this story has a soft and calm kook while tae is funny and flirty. Mostly this story has a switch type of love i think.


@fantaesticgagru I also have this story in my reading list for a long time but not sure when I'll read it. Can you tell me if it's top kook or bottom kook???? 


Honestly when the notification popped up that someone added my story to this certain reading list named "Addicted to (read more than 10 times)" IT MADE MY DAYYYYYYYY ♡


@fantaesticgagru That's exactly the case with me. I feel such a disappointment.. cuz many of my readers even are loving my 2nd book more than BBF and then there's me..


@Razanoshaba4455 yep. Can relate. As an author myself i am stuck at this point on my book which my readers are pleading me to update.


Awww thankyou so much. It means alot to your author<3333 The thing is I am myself not sure if I can write something as close as good to BBF I missed the writer mind I had when I was writing that one. My head's empty from months now :(((((((((


Hey everyone,
          I am here to tell you a good news and a bad news. So 4 days back,it was my birthday and on the same day i got a call asking me to join for a job and just after that my final results from the university was published and i scored 2nd position in my whole university. So these are the good news i was talking about. 
          Coming to the bad news,some of you may have guessed. As i am going to be busy with my job i will not be able to write much but i will trt to update twice a week or so on. The situation that i am in really is not letting me write my book. 
          I hope you guys will be patient enough and wait for my update. And please refrain yourself from dming me to update.(someone did that already not even taking in what situation i would have been going through). 
          I hope you guys will understand me.❤


Congrats. I wish you all success in this new journey of your life…!!!


@fantaesticgagru congratulations author-nim 


@fantaesticgagru Take your time author ,take your time, we'll be waiting for your updates even though you'll update one in a week we'll be happy. 
            It's your time so take the chance, leave your life with fullest.. ❤✨ and remember to smile always no matter what!! 
            We love you✨