
Hey guys.. I haven’t been on here since September. I might start writing again. We’ll see.


okay so i know i keep making all these stories or saying “im going to work on them.” my two main story focuses right now are my jj maybank book and my new jamal turner book. mainly my jj one. i want to put out the first episode or chapter by today or sometime this weekend. i start school on tuesday so i probably won’t be writing as much but im gonna try my best to keep up.


Sorry I didn’t update any of my stories for a few weeks.. I had writers block like bad. I’ll try to start working on them soon. Right now I’m currently working on a Sapo - On My Block book. I will try to update the Eddie Munson ones soon. Morgan Wallen I can try to also. I have a few that will also come out soon but currently they are drafts. I’m sorry again. I’m trying my best. :)


FOR MY JACK HARLOW READERSSS!! i will try to get on that soon but im not promising anything rn. 