Want to be a part of the fandom league? Follow me and you automatically will! The fandoms (as you most likely know) is a group of fans to a certain book/tv/movie series. They call themselves fangirls/ fanboys. The responsibility of being a fangirl/fanboy is go the following:

*Devote yourself completely to your fandom(s)
*Have no social life except with those online
*Be willing to cry your heart out

The responsibility is a lot to handle. But if you are willing to give your life entirely up, then say the following:

I (name here) am willing to devote my life into stalking my favorite authors, celebrities, and/or fictional characters. I will give up any life I was living and give it to the ones not living (such as fictional characters, or dead ones.) I am willing to handle the responsibility of the fangirl (or boy) and I will never ever end my love for my fandom(s).

*Harry Potter
*Hunger Games
*Mortal Instruments
*Percy Jackson
*Game of Thrones
*Doctor Who
*Star Wars
*Lord of the Rings
*The Chronicles of Narnia
*His Dark Materials
*Inheritance Cycle
*Artemis Fowl
*The Infernal Devices
*Maze Runner
*Enders Game

Those were only a few of the many fandoms that I would be able to name. Remember, if you follow, I follow back! No one has the right to make fun of a fandom, but if that happens, you have the right to defend it. Use your knowledge of the fandoms to defend your nation. May the books be with you!


Harry Potter:

Harry Potter will never be gone as long as those who remain are loyal to it

I wish my real friends loved Harry Potter as much as my online friends do.

Yeah, we lost Harry tonight. He's still with us, in here. So's Fred, Remus, Tonks, all of them. But they didn't die in vain. But you will! Because your wrong! Harry's heart did beat for us, for all of us! It's not over!
  • JoinedMay 27, 2014