
Part 3: (last part)
          	And with that, I am saying goodbye to the Wattpad community. Please know that this is not due to a lack of companionship what any of you - my fellow Wattpad friends. I am taking this as a step in my personal life and (mainly) as a personal step closer in my relationship with Christ. 
          	THAT BEING SAID: I would like to keep track of the books I have written here just in case I get back into creative writing down the road. I think it might be helpful too be able to look back on should I develop creative writing skills in the future. 
          	That, and I know some of you who have saved my stories may want to read them still in the future. 
          	So - my solution::
          	I will not be deleting this account for a couple of months. In that time, I will create a new account with the sole purpose of re-posting my stories for a personal storage of sorts and for my readers to be able to access them still. I will also give you an update as to what that new username will be so that you may find my re-posted stories. Only after I have re-posted my stories and username for you to see will I be deleting this account. I give you all around two months after I post my new username before I delete this account. 
          	Thank you so, so much for your friendship over the years. And for the many many (and sometimes tear filled) laughs I have enjoyed through your books and hilarious comments. I will miss you all. Thank you so much for the amazing fandom communities I have had the privilege to be a part of. I wish you all the best in life and pray that you will come to know Jesus the way I am slowly learning to (in the way He intended and not often the way at which we first perceive).
          	With much (platonic obvs.) love, and the beginning of a farewell,
          	- Fandom_Freak_029 (perviously apollos’s_girl_029)


@ArcherBunny7 Thank you! It took a while for me to realize that because I’m stubborn. 
          	  I wish you the best in life if we don’t meet again. ☺️


@fandom_freak_029 I don't know you that well, but I remember a conversation on a random story we had. Good job on realizing and deleting an idol.


Part 3: (last part)
          And with that, I am saying goodbye to the Wattpad community. Please know that this is not due to a lack of companionship what any of you - my fellow Wattpad friends. I am taking this as a step in my personal life and (mainly) as a personal step closer in my relationship with Christ. 
          THAT BEING SAID: I would like to keep track of the books I have written here just in case I get back into creative writing down the road. I think it might be helpful too be able to look back on should I develop creative writing skills in the future. 
          That, and I know some of you who have saved my stories may want to read them still in the future. 
          So - my solution::
          I will not be deleting this account for a couple of months. In that time, I will create a new account with the sole purpose of re-posting my stories for a personal storage of sorts and for my readers to be able to access them still. I will also give you an update as to what that new username will be so that you may find my re-posted stories. Only after I have re-posted my stories and username for you to see will I be deleting this account. I give you all around two months after I post my new username before I delete this account. 
          Thank you so, so much for your friendship over the years. And for the many many (and sometimes tear filled) laughs I have enjoyed through your books and hilarious comments. I will miss you all. Thank you so much for the amazing fandom communities I have had the privilege to be a part of. I wish you all the best in life and pray that you will come to know Jesus the way I am slowly learning to (in the way He intended and not often the way at which we first perceive).
          With much (platonic obvs.) love, and the beginning of a farewell,
          - Fandom_Freak_029 (perviously apollos’s_girl_029)


@ArcherBunny7 Thank you! It took a while for me to realize that because I’m stubborn. 
            I wish you the best in life if we don’t meet again. ☺️


@fandom_freak_029 I don't know you that well, but I remember a conversation on a random story we had. Good job on realizing and deleting an idol.


          Part 2:
          Because that is also what the fantasy world (for me personally) has become. And idol. I define an idol as "anything/anyone that you spend more time with or place before God." For a long time, I have felt the Holy Spirit telling me that this addiction with the fantasy world has become a sin and idol for me. Often have I put this first before my faith in Christ. But I'm stubborn, I don't always like to listen to those around me - even when I know they're right - especially then. (It's an issue I'm working on.)
          The good news is, God is EXTREMELY patient and loving. He is unrelenting in a firm discipline that is somehow both harsh and tender. His love is both gentle and authoritative. And His authority is protective, personal, and sacrificial. Not things you would expect to go together, but they do. It's one of the reasons why Christ is often referred to as the Good Shepard and we are reffered to as sheep. (Just look up about how hard it is to take care of sheep and you'll get a glimpse of what I'm getting at. lol). (Most of what I'm talking about here is taken from John 10.)
          So in this patience and firm love Jesus has shown me that I need to stop putting the fantasy world before Him.


Okay, so this post will be done in parts because Wattpad says it’s too long.  (Also, I will be adding it as a last chapter to all of my books so if that’s an easier format for you to read, you can just open in in one of them. )
          Part 1:
          Hi all! I just wanted to let you know that I am going to be deleting  this Wattpad account. Here’s why::
          For a long time, the fantasy world (books, tv shows, movies, fan fiction, fandom social media groups/platforms, etc…) has been my escape to deal with mental health. But as time progressed, it has become more of an addiction (and idol) than a healthy form of escape. My counselor and I have had many conversations about this and I have slowly started to come to realize that there is a difference between a heathy escape and detachment with reality/ an addiction. So while the fantasy world in and of itself isn’t necessarily an unhealthy escape and is something that I will probably always enjoy, there is a point at which I have to learn to draw the line. I have to allow myself that escape where healthy and when necessary, but not allow it to become a way to avoid working through life’s trials   — or, become an idol. 


I’m trying to find a book on Wattpad that I already read. I don’t remember the name or anything but I do remember some things abt it. It’s not in my archive list or favorites or anything. I’m about to explain it rn and if anyone knows what book I’m talking about or what it’s name is, please let me know!! I really loved this fanfic and I would love to reread it. So this fanfic is actually a sequel. It’s about Percy Jackson as a god. He has a kingdom and has had a kingdom for a while now. He lives in a palace in a cave I believe and has an entire kingdom of ppl (with a secret). In the sequel, he runs a mortal business that has something to do with water. I believe it was called aqua waters or something like that. So his business is very famous and rich. And tony stark wants to work with Percy. He knew that Percy is young and was hoping he would be able to encourage him to sponsor a project he has. So he hosts a party and invites Percy hoping that Percy would go. Percy ends up going to this part and he and tony talk. Percy tells Tony that if he or any of his teammates can spill a cup of water in Percy before the party ends, he will sponsor tony. None of the avengers are able to do it and a minute before the party ends Percy pours a cup of water and himself and tony and he have a deal. Then tony and Peter Parker start working in Percy’s labs and stuff and work on their project. That’s all I can remember. Please, if anyone knows this fanfic or the story before the sequel please let me know!!! I really need want to find this fanfic and in my description it sounded pretty interesting right? So if anyone finds a fanfic like this or knows what I’m taking about, please please please let me know!


@RavenWriter01 also, i recalled so many details cuz even tho i didnt realize at the time, the Percy and avenger moments are some of my favs I've ever read! I also love how Percy has a kingdom (with some secrets ) and some influence in the mortal world.


@RavenWriter01 Lol thanks. Ik It was basically the first few parts and I totally forgot abt Alex and his quest but yeah. Also I do remeber really enjoying the first book! Cuz like, Percy found out he has a new brother but this time his brother was on his side and stuff which is so rare Becuz many ppl portray his new brother as an enemy and the reason Percy left camp or something. So I rly enjoyed it and it was a new plot!


@AddisonReed35 and in all it was a spot on summary even if a little chaotic 


Ummm, so guys. What would you say to someone who is in their early 20s and is trying to decide what to do for a career. They have several ideas, but they aren’t really sure if they are realistic…because that’s me. 
          One of the things I think that I’d like to at least try to build a career in would be modeling. But I’m just not sure. I’m technically “obese” via my doctor, short, chubby, have some stretch marks, my torso is SO short and all of my height (which isn’t much) comes from my legs, etc… I’m trying to work on the weight, but I have some medical stuff that makes it a bit hard. (Ok, really hard.)
          I know there’s a lot of places that are looking for models out there that aren’t the cliché type, but I’m just not sure. I don’t really have ANY experience….other than the fact that my mom said I have always been a poser and she did train me pretty well for family photos as a kid. (I’m the oldest, so, yeah.) I enjoy taking photos and posing except for my body image (which I’m working on) and my stage fright. 
          I will say that I do have nice hair and eyes. I try to keep those as nice as I can. I’ve always had really thick hair. (And recently found out it is naturally curly when I cut it shorter.) And apparently my eyes often change color depending on what I’m wearing. 
          So, do you guys think that I could do it? Do you think that would be something I might be good at provided I work on the self image and stage fright type stuff?
          (Btw, I’m female. If I didn’t mention that. Also, as a believer in Christ, I don’t think I’d be comfortable with doing bikini type stuff. I’ve never worn a bikini in public and only once around family. Otherwise if I do, I wear a rash guard top. I know that might set some people off, but those kinds of things are just part of my beliefs and are not something I’ll be willing to change just on a whim — or at all.)


Thank you guys! 
            @unicorngirl_loves I’ll definitely keep that in mind. Thank you for the support and advice. 
            @TheRoyalHQ Definitely a good idea to pray about it. Thanks for the support!
            @camp_half_blood4ever Thank you! I do think it could be something I’d enjoy. 
            Thank you all! ☺️☺️


this message may be offensive
@apollos_girl_029 honestly don't let your weight stop you! I don't mean to be a downer but I DO have some things to say. First there are models who don't do bikinis etc. So you can absolutely do it! Now for the other big thing I have to say. 
            Modeling is a really hard job. Models go through shit to keep up an image ( Not talking about weight, dying their hair, tanning. Keeping up good looks etc. Not saying these are bad things it just can crack people) So are you SURE you wanna do it? 
            Other thing, it is not a stable job. I know I'm acting like that auntie during family get to togethers but you DO need money too, I don't know feed your self and have a good life. 
            I say feel around and intern for a bit, If you find another interest, Great! If you don't then I say pursue it with some caution. Like keep a back up plan in case it doesn't work out.I mean it is YOUR quality of life we are talking about. Anyways this is my look at it. You do whatever YOU want to do and can keep you above the poverty line! 
            Man I talk A LOT!



Ok…so I know I haven’t been on much lately for personal reasons… one of those side reasons being that I have been ignoring the possibility that my chosen godly parent doesn’t really fit as well as I once thought it did…and I didn’t want to admit it, but it kind of just got to the point where I can’t ignore it any longer…soooo…. Can I have some help??? 
          I though I was an Apollo kid (don’t get me wrong, I do love you guys), but I’m wondering if maybe Iris is more accurate?? I took a lot of the online quizzes over again recently and my results are not only as scattered as before, but also have some VERY different results than before….and I didn’t even get Apollo this time AT ALL. I’m lost. Completely lost….
          …I did find this one quiz on Wattpad that seems actually accurate and also includes a lot of minor gods… and I scored really high on two gods on the list.
          One of them was Hephaestus (which I’ve always gotten). I got a 9 for him. I can see it in the sense that I like to create a s I’m pretty smart. But I’m terrible at science. I think that I keep getting his on other quizzes because I’m a major home economics type artist as well as a painter/watercolor artist. I also dabble in pottery/beading type stuff. And I love sewing anything from a book to a dress to a bag to a quilt to pillowcases. And there just isn’t usually that kind of specific choice in the quizzes. And, yes, I do have my own “toolbox” but it’s not your average toolbox. I have stuff like sewing needles, thread, scissors (both for paper and cloth), graphite pencils, colored pencils, sharpies, drawing-ish markers, pencil sharpeners, rulers (both the strait stick kind and the rool-up fashion designer’s type), paint, paint thinner, paintbrushes, waterproof polyurethane spray, exacta knives, ect… That’s my tool box. Not hammars, saws, screwdrivers, pliers, or whatever a blacksmith would use. 


Annndddd, that’s it. What do you’ll think?


The other one I scored high on in this last test was Iris. Which I think makes sense? I mean, I love colors, I love painting/watercolor, I hate it when someone I care about gets hurt really bad. And, (even though it’s hard to admit) I kinda can be a little sensitive at times?  I am a free spirit, but I know that I need to reign myself in (or be reigned in) sometimes. And, yes, color has ALWYAS been a fascination of mine. I can list an uncanny amount of colors. But even more than that, I can look at two, almost identical, shades of a color, and tell you the diff between them. Most people would tell me, “They’re the SAME color for haven’s sake! There’s NO difference between them.” But I will disagree comepletey. They might be close, but there IS a difference. And I’ve always loved flowers….like have an obsession with them. I can’t be around them too much because I have lots of allergies to them (and I also am very allergic to bees), but I like 1/2 my wardrobe is floral patterned, and I have lots of floral patterned accessories…
            I’m not sure if the flower obsession is a Persephone thing or it’s just that I really like bright colors, and flowers tend to be brightly colored. 
            I guess the bright colors thing is where I got confused with Apollo??
            I’m just wondering if this makes ANY sense at all…or if I’m just and idiot and didn’t know I was….help??


Hello! How are you today? *smiles mischievously* No, No, nicely. Smiles NICELY*
          Hope your doing okay! You’re a nice, sweet person so I hope life’s well. Oh, You’re probably wondering why I’m here.
          I was just around the neighborhood and I saw an angel. They seemed lost. I walked up to them and asked if they were okay.
          They looked at me and asked “Do you know where the other angel I was supposed to watch over last night is?”
          I asked, “What do they look like?” And They showed me a picture of you!
          (Send this to 14 people - - You may send this back to me if you wish - - To prove how much they mean to you.)