
Hey everyone, I wanted to make a brief life and safety statement out of a nearly lethal event that occurred to me no less than 20 minutes ago. 
          	For all of you who are of driving age, never let your guard down when on the road and always be aware of your surroundings and of other drivers. I came a foot away from being T-boned by a car running a red light as they were going 50mph in a 35mph zone. If my breaks weren't as good as they are, then I would be a statistic right now. 
          	Life has a funny way of reminding you that anything can happen at any time to completely alter your life path, if not out right ending it. Please, stay safe on the roads and never drive while under the influence of any substance. Do not get comfortable on the roads you're on just because you've driven along them a hundred times. Speed limits and stop lights exist for a very important reason. They save lives of not just you, but of those around you as well. Things can end at any moment because of one simple mistake made by a singular person. 
          	And no- they did not stop after passing me. 
          	I always say to you all to look at the bright side of life and to push through tough times. It may not seem like it now to some of you, but life is a beautiful thing when you let it be. There is darkness, yes. Very bleak darkness I'm sure a select few of you are dealing with or have dealt with. Life can be unfair. It can all cut to black on an average Wednesday morning because of something outside of your control. But life can also show you the greatest and uniquely singualr things that we has humans get to experience during this brief blip of consciousness. The night doesn't last forever. Dawn always arives. Be it for you, or those around you after you're gone. Love yourselves. Love those who are deserving of your love. You never know when it might be taken from you.
          	That's all I wanted to say. Think of this as me venting into the ether. I hope you all have a great day- 


@eyesoftheFUTURE god is good all the time please be safe out there. Red light runners are everywhere 


@eyesoftheFUTURE In case of an event like this one happens again.


@eyesoftheFUTURE Thankfully you're still alive, and did you happen to see their car's number( the plate that has numbers and letters)?


Hey everyone, I wanted to make a brief life and safety statement out of a nearly lethal event that occurred to me no less than 20 minutes ago. 
          For all of you who are of driving age, never let your guard down when on the road and always be aware of your surroundings and of other drivers. I came a foot away from being T-boned by a car running a red light as they were going 50mph in a 35mph zone. If my breaks weren't as good as they are, then I would be a statistic right now. 
          Life has a funny way of reminding you that anything can happen at any time to completely alter your life path, if not out right ending it. Please, stay safe on the roads and never drive while under the influence of any substance. Do not get comfortable on the roads you're on just because you've driven along them a hundred times. Speed limits and stop lights exist for a very important reason. They save lives of not just you, but of those around you as well. Things can end at any moment because of one simple mistake made by a singular person. 
          And no- they did not stop after passing me. 
          I always say to you all to look at the bright side of life and to push through tough times. It may not seem like it now to some of you, but life is a beautiful thing when you let it be. There is darkness, yes. Very bleak darkness I'm sure a select few of you are dealing with or have dealt with. Life can be unfair. It can all cut to black on an average Wednesday morning because of something outside of your control. But life can also show you the greatest and uniquely singualr things that we has humans get to experience during this brief blip of consciousness. The night doesn't last forever. Dawn always arives. Be it for you, or those around you after you're gone. Love yourselves. Love those who are deserving of your love. You never know when it might be taken from you.
          That's all I wanted to say. Think of this as me venting into the ether. I hope you all have a great day- 


@eyesoftheFUTURE god is good all the time please be safe out there. Red light runners are everywhere 


@eyesoftheFUTURE In case of an event like this one happens again.


@eyesoftheFUTURE Thankfully you're still alive, and did you happen to see their car's number( the plate that has numbers and letters)?


Today, I sat down, gritted my teeth, and reread my first published story on Wattpad- and first ever written story in general- to analyze just how far I've come as an author and as a storyteller. That story is "The Universal Dragonslayer." A Fairy Tail male reader insert fanfiction I began back in 2018. To me, it's a cringy, incoherent, and overall messy story that I look back on wearing both a grimace- and a warm smile- on my face. 
          The Universal Dragonslayer is where I learned I loved the art of storytelling. Shamelessly publishing chapter after chapter of that book kicked off a now 6 year journey of self-discovery, personal growth, and true understanding of myself, and of writing. To speak to those of you still in the beginning phases of exploring the world of creativity, I want to say something that has helped me soldier on through both self-doubt and mental hurdles:
          Never- and I mean NEVER- delete, erase, edit, or hide your earliest works. Be it art, writing, music, or any other creative medium. Keep them. Talk about them. Compare them to the works you're still making today. Do not be discouraged or ashamed of how you discovered your passions. Let them stand as your starting point. Although I am writing my own official stories that stand on another level than what I've published here on Wattpad, I will never deny where it all started -
          -and it all started with The Universal Dragonslayer. Have confidence in the progress you are making month by month and stay level-headed about personal criticisms. You are your own worst enemy as a writer, artist, composer, and creative mind. Keep at it, and never listen to the negative thoughts that give zero constructive criticism.
          That's all for now. Have a great day! 


I'm happy to finally announce something I've been alluding to these past couple of weeks for The Psychic Hero: Redux!
          The incredibly talented and kind artist that made the cover art for the Redux and the Black Wind character sheet has been kind enough to lend their artistic abilities to create more drawings for the story! You can see their latest work in the just now released "Yato Nashu Hero Association Villain Documentation" chapter for The Psychic Hero: Redux!
          The artist in question is @Sasattackart. Please, go show them some love and take a look at their other artworks!
          Have a great day!


@ eyesoftheFUTURE  I'm having a lot of fun with this amazing project! It's a pleasure working with you! ^^


Update for The Psychic Hero: Redux:
          I'm excited to say that Chapter 9: Ghosts Always Remember is nearly complete! Transitioning from play script dialogue to proper dialogue formatting has triggered a landslide of progress on the story as a whole! Chapter 10: A Hero of Fear is still far from completion, but if time allows for it, I shouldn't struggle to get it finished sometime in the near future.
          Not only that, but I'm also nearly finished with the next chapter reformatting! That chapter is Mina Ashido: 1! To those curious about what the reformatting entails for the pre-existing chapters, let me say this- I now have an excuse to add, fix, and change a multitude of things in chapters that have already been released. Meaning, a lot of things may or may not change from what you remember! Mina Ashido: 1 has been HEAVILY altered from it's original release version with new story sections and more... antics... if you know, you know. 
          I've been giving The Psychic Hero: Redux a lot of love and attention recently. Hopefully I can get things rolling once again!
          Not only that x2, but I'm working with a user that has been beyond kind enough to lend a special hand for The Psychic Hero: Redux. More on this to come soon!
          Have a great day!


Big Update for The Psychic Hero: Redux:
          The Psychic Hero: Redux will be receiving a total overhaul to the dialogue formatting, transitioning from the "play script" style to proper dialogue formatting. Opinions on this change seem to be fairly unanimous. So, going forward, each chapter of the Redux will be written using correct formatting. As for pre-existing chapters, they will be overhauled one-by-one over time. They will not be deleted. Rather, they will be taken down right before I copy and paste the changes so there is minimal downtime. This process is going to take a metric ton of effort and time, but I'm going to finish chapters 9 and 10 before dividing my attention to the existing chapters.
          To showcase this change, Optional Chapter: Toru Hagakure 1 will be released with proper dialogue formatting as soon as I add the finishing touches to it. Readers of the Redux can expect it to be released in a couple of days! 
          Have a great day! 


          Just discovered Wattpad has been bugging out by reverting my revision history after being saved on mobile. I had been suspicious of my drafts not being properly saved even after it, "Saved Successfully." It's doing it randomly, even hours after being saved. Luckily, I can go through and restore the correct revision. I've lost minimal progress overall, but I can see this being a huge problem for anyone else encountering this issue. If you've noticed small changes to your drafts post saving, check your revisions for the proper version. 
          Have a great day! 


@eyesoftheFUTURE Oh. Okay thank you for informing us. 


Quick Update:
          Apologies for the silence as of late. I've had a lot on my plate with my other projects alongside the death of my dog. I haven't been working on The Psychic Hero: Redux at all the past week and a half, but now I'm shifting my priorities back to it. I hope to have something for it ready to be released sometime soon. 
          Have a great day! 


Take your time, we can wait for chapters