heyy, you probably don't know me, if I'm honest I don't think I know myself, who am I? well here, I'm existingmystery, I will be that one girl that you flick through your yearbook at the end of school to find my picture, to scribble offensive words on it, most of those people will find out who I really am by then, most of them will write the word one word that sends me into fits of tears just thinking I might get called it again, I will be labeled as "emo". that word kills me, it makes my heart jump for a second to think someone has said that somewhere in the world right this second. today I want to stop labeling people so here is exactly what I want you to do,  I want you to tie a piece of string or ribbon around you left wrist, not like tight so your fingers go blue, just tight enough it can't be taken off unless its cut. once you have don't this I want you to email me a picture of the string around your wrist, and at the end of each chapter of my new book hidden in the dark, iwill give you the number of pictures I have had since today. (my email is : existingmystery@outlook.com)
  • JoinedJune 2, 2014

Last Message
existingmystery existingmystery Jul 06, 2014 06:12AM
please read @princess-geek bio because ohh my gosh its amazing! xx
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