
guys is it bad if I can see my rib cage when I stretch?


@existinghereonearth I see my rib cage too,  so... not really.


Hey guys. um so I don't know when i'll get another chance to say this so I'm just saying it now. Thank you. to all of you. you all have helped me in the past few months more than you can imagine. I've gone through a lot of rough spots, and didn't know what to do. I started pushing myself away from people, and I had no one to turn to. until I got a account on here. I started talking to people on here, I found comfort and support from everyone, and I don't think that I would have gotten through it if you hadn't been there. so thank you all so much. I could not be more thankful.


@existinghereonearth You are so welcome, you deserve all the love and support that you need.


Do you guys feel like you have to be silent when you cry? do you ever feel like that so much that even when you're alone, you still cry silently? does it ever hit you that you feel like that so you just cry harder trying as hard as possible to be quiet?


          and May the fourth be with you.


@existinghereonearth YAYAY! HAPPY (LATE) BIRTHDAY ELLE!!!


@existinghereonearth brother ma'am wanna be a Wattpad kid? I provide emotional support mental and physical therapy and calm down people wanna sign up?


I just found this out, AND I AM PISSED!!
          Are you part of the LGBTQ+ community??
          Have you heard of project 2025?
          Have you heard that if Trump gets elected as president, you can be denied a job because you are LGBTQ+?
          Please, copy this message and post on someone else's board, text it to your friends, anything.
          This project entails much more than this, so please look into it and become educated on the subject.
          No more abortions is another thing.
          Imagine being draped and having to keep a child inside of you for nine months, and having to raise it even though you didn't want the child, or to be raped.
          If you got an illegal abortion, you would spend more time in jail than your rapist. Assuming they got caught, because let's be honest, they never are.
          Please, spread awareness.


@existinghereonearth glad and im sorry. Sign here to bring Trump down there with me in hell :D


okay I have no idea why I'm doing this I just am. be ready this is long.
          Tony taught me it's always possible to smile through the pain
          Steve taught me even after love and loss you can always find where you belong
          Nat taught me that you should always do what you think is right
          Clint taught me sometimes it's more important to be with who you love
          Thor taught me you are never alone
          Bruce taught me there is almost nothing you can't control
          Wanda taught me it's never too late to do the right thing
          Vision taught me sometimes you need to sacrifice something
          Bucky taught me it's always possible to forgive
          Peter taught me you sometimes have to give up what's most important to protect it
          Sam taught me that it's better to find those who understand
          Rhodey taught me it's always possible to live through it
          Steven taught me that you always have to protect people you care about
          Scott taught me it's always important to think of those you love
          T'Challa taught me revenge isn't always important
          Carol taught me to protect the innocent
          Fury taught me that it can be hard to trust people
          The Guardians taught me that it's important to stick together
          Marvel taught me there is always someone out there who cares.
          And Wong taught me to listen to Beyonce.


The wong got me. Haha! Love it!