Hi. I'm Lucinda.

...you've read past my name. How intriguing.

Usually, people will only read until they find my name and then continue on with whatever business they have. But not you.

You're cool, aren't you? :) You're probably nice and very likely talented. I've always liked being friends with talented people. It makes life a lot more interesting!

You're most likely a female, though there are some boys on this site too. Welcome, either way.

I hope your day/night is going precisely as you wish it to be going. I hope you're happy. I hope you are content with the decisions you've made today and throughout your life, and are excited about the future. I hope you're aware that you're important and not just another human being. Because if that's what you believe than I'm sad for you.

I've always wanted to make people see how important they are. And I genuinely hope that you know that you are important. You are capable if such goodness.

You are. Really.

That's why you exist. Do something worth while and find something worth keeping. Don't throw what makes you happy away based on the thoughts or desires of others. Do what you feel and think is right. Be selfless rather than selfish.

Sit in silence. Be stil. Do not be afraid. Fear is what you make it. Don't make it more than whatever it is you want. Fight for what you believe in. Care for the things and people you love.

Don't be scared to go out while it's raining. Listen to the thunder. It's actually quite nice. Try something new. Be silly. Have fun. Love... as in the verb. Love like you're gonna die. Because you are. But don't let that stop you. Love anyways. Death is just another step in life. Not the last step, I'll have you know.

I'd like to be friends with you. Especially if you read through all of the things that I've just typed out.

So, if you'd like to make my day, go on and write me a message, introduce yourself and don't be shy.

My name is actually Monica. ;)
  • Yellowknife, Canada
  • JoinedJuly 21, 2012
