
Hey my apples! I'm taking my main story down and once it's edited and completed, I'll pick it back up. Thanks for keeping up with me. You all rock! And I'm really apologetic for being an idle user for the past few months. 
          	Thanks a ton!


Hey my apples! I'm taking my main story down and once it's edited and completed, I'll pick it back up. Thanks for keeping up with me. You all rock! And I'm really apologetic for being an idle user for the past few months. 
          Thanks a ton!


Right now I have an amazingly generous girl helping me out with my story. PLEASE GIVE HER LOVE WHEN YOU SEE HER COMMENTS!! I literally have no followers but even if one of you does it, I just want her to feel as awesome as she is for doing this for me :D her username is @jrceraso


Eve_mercy what book would you like me to edit first?  Oh and then it is not letting me access your last two comments.  Thanks!


@Jrceraso no way haha! That book had a cool plot though, I'm trying to get away from cliches and try to incorporate them too for the "usual" Wattpad reader. But mine isn't all lovey Dovey... Yet ^.^ 
            The only one I'm really concerned about is "Alone" it's gonna be a duology and I am really excited about it.
            OOH! I can't believe you actually would do this for me! Thank you SO much!!!
            That's all I messaged :)
            But I'm thinking Alone is the only one I care about, so that one would be good ^.^


I want to start posting more regularly so here goes! I just updated Alone, and Three new **COMPLETED** stories are up ^.^ Be sure to check em out and leave some likes/comments/whatevs or just be a ghost, at least you have an existence in my life ^.^
          Peace out ✌
          Eve Mercy


I updateeeeedddddd!! Haha, "for the FIRST time in foreverrrrrr!" Thanks for all the support, even if you haven't read the book, or you just despise me... I LOVE YOU AND APPRECIATE YOUR EXISTENCE!! 
          Eve Mercy :P


Ello. You may not reconize my new username but you read my novel 'Accepting Reality' lol just dropping by and saying hi:)


I do recognize it, and your story as well. It was sincerely amazing, no doubt. Thanks for writing it, it was honestly worth my time, not saying that I'm special like that but seriously, you rock! Keep on it, and thanks for recognizing me, was there a reason why you're greeting me out of the blue hehe, I feel special, although if I recall correctly, I read your story a long while ago :P hopefully I didn't bore you with this message, it's just like my tumblr page you probably aren't even reading the whole thing but whatevs :) thanks again ^.^