
Very important!! 
          	I'll be taking a break from wattpad (kind of) 
          	- I'll check my notifications (sometimes) and respond to you guys, as well as read any updates on any of your books I'm following 
          	- I will not be making new adopts on this website (I'll finish what I owe) but still might adopt things every once in a while 
          	- I will not be updating my original book on my second account (don't be surprised if it gets deleted because I want to protect it from things like Teenfic) 
          	- I might still update Ruins whenever I feel like it. (Probably won't be consistent) 
          	- My OC books will be unpublished (in order to protect my characters, they will be moved to toyhouse)
          	Why I'm doing this. 
          	- School and family right now is my main priority
          	- I don't really trust wattpad that much, seeing the websites like teenfic (and others) as well as the fact I have already been stolen from another user
          	- I'm working on a new original story that won't be published here
          	If you still want to adopt things from me I have a account on DA under the same name, most adopts will be point adopts but I'll make sure to do a couple of regular OTAs 


@venus_draxum90 If the book says no adopting, then no, but otherwise, sure. 


@eva23hope Hey, I just wanted to ask if we can still adopt things from your old adopt books? 
          	  Also! We’ll all miss you but we completely understand and respect your decisions!!


@Angelshalolight @deathanddemise Thank you, though I'll still check up on this account whenever I can, so I'm not 100% gone :)


Very important!! 
          I'll be taking a break from wattpad (kind of) 
          - I'll check my notifications (sometimes) and respond to you guys, as well as read any updates on any of your books I'm following 
          - I will not be making new adopts on this website (I'll finish what I owe) but still might adopt things every once in a while 
          - I will not be updating my original book on my second account (don't be surprised if it gets deleted because I want to protect it from things like Teenfic) 
          - I might still update Ruins whenever I feel like it. (Probably won't be consistent) 
          - My OC books will be unpublished (in order to protect my characters, they will be moved to toyhouse)
          Why I'm doing this. 
          - School and family right now is my main priority
          - I don't really trust wattpad that much, seeing the websites like teenfic (and others) as well as the fact I have already been stolen from another user
          - I'm working on a new original story that won't be published here
          If you still want to adopt things from me I have a account on DA under the same name, most adopts will be point adopts but I'll make sure to do a couple of regular OTAs 


@venus_draxum90 If the book says no adopting, then no, but otherwise, sure. 


@eva23hope Hey, I just wanted to ask if we can still adopt things from your old adopt books? 
            Also! We’ll all miss you but we completely understand and respect your decisions!!


@Angelshalolight @deathanddemise Thank you, though I'll still check up on this account whenever I can, so I'm not 100% gone :)


          So I unfollowed the person who gave me the creature, and now they're saying I'm not allowed to own it anymore since I unfollowed them (even though I paid for it), and they still won't give me a refund. 
          I'm I the only one who thinks this is unfair? I paid for the adopt, was told I wasn't allowed to use it, then got refused a refund, and now having my ownership taken away (dispite paying for it) because I unfollowed them.


@Bookscavengerrr That's what I think, and no I'm not getting any kind of good refund (when I asked, they didn't even offer half I paid)


@eva23hope Them not letting you use it is one thing, but having your ownership taken away is straight-up dumb. Unless she gives you back a refund, I think it's perfectly alright for you to keep and perhaps use it. I mean, isn't the whole POINT, of making adopts so that people can use it?? Are they even allowed to gatekeep it light that-


@Quetzal-Does-Art I know! But I don't know what to do since I would have very little to no support on DA


So I adopted a character from someone on DA that is part of their original species and after asking if I was allowed to use them in a book/story line and they said no. 
          I completely respect that, and I'm trying to get a refund on the character since I can't use them, so I would rather use the points on a character I can use. 
          I bought the character for 15 points, they will only give me 5 points for a refund (which isn't even half!) So I asked for a full refund and they said no and that they don't do full refunds. 
          It's so frustrating because I'm stuck with a character I paid for but not allowed to use, and I can't even get a refund! I don't know what to do . . .


@Angelshalolight yeah, I'm not sure what to do. I don't think they will give me a full refund no matter what I try though 


@eva23hope Oof- that sucks, I have never bought anything from DA, so I wouldn’t know what to do, but still sucks


Sorry I haven't been very active, I've been mainly working on designing and making characters for my Ruins series (somehow, only 2 out of 5 of the main characters currently have names, mostly because I'm waiting for desgins to be made or making desgins for them) 
          I've also made a couple of adopts on DA to make points and buy some dragons there 
          I'll probably remain inactive, but I will still check out comments and all of that regularly 
          I'll also try to get the cat breedables done, sorry for anyone waiting


My Grandma just almost ran me over with her car! Luckily, I'm fine and uninjured just a little shaken up because it could of been much worse


@Angelshalolight Don't worry I'm fine, and never going in or anywhere near her car again when she's driving. 


I'm deciding how I should write my series Ruins, third person or first person? 
          The thing is it's going have multiple books with a different narrator each time so I think first person would be to confusing, so I'm leaning toward third person. 
          What do you think?


~ Two Announcements!~ 
          1 - I've decided to start posting adopts on Deviant Art. I'll still make adopts on here but my DA account will tend to have more detailed designs (If they don't get adopted on there I might put them up for adoption here) (https://www.deviantart.com/eva23hope - link to my account if it works)
          2 - the prologue of my book Ruins of Hope has been posted, it's rather short though but that was intended


* Warning * 
          So my mom has been checking my phone 10 times more than normal, which wouldn't be a problem if she wasn't so overprotective. 
          How overprotective are we talking? I get in trouble sometimes for listening to music on YouTube, I'm not allowed to look anything up on the internet without permission and of I do ask she almost always says no (example: I was playing pokemon and asked to Google when a pokemon would evolve and she refused to let me) 
          I still watch YouTube and use Google quite often without her knowledge (this is easy when she works a lot and you keep you're phone beside you 24/7 so she can't get ahold of it) but since she's been checking my phone so often she might end up finding something she doesn't like and I might end up grounded
          So if I end up disappearing randomly, now you know, though it might not happen I just want to be safe rather then sorry


My parents aren't really overprotective, but I do have to hide this app because I can't "talk to strangers" 


@eva23hope heh, you may not be the only one hiding things from your overprotective parents :'D.


So, I have decided to do the Wof fanfic as a side project. 
          I know my first one didn't really go well since lots of chaos happened, and I didn't think I could keep up with a book, but now I think I'll be able to work on it since my life is currently kinda chaos free :) 
          *Side note: it will probably mostly be my OCs, and I will be more picky if you want to sign your OC up*