
pls read !!
          	hi all <3 i havent been as active lately and it’s all thanks to my stupid studies hahahahahaha… why do i have to be such an academic weapon ugh its such a burden ( tryna manifest good grades so im lying to myself rn )
          	my physical health is also not the best rn, as i have been going in and out of the hospital and im not entirely sure when im gonna be okay
          	as happy as ur notifs make me, i wont be able to reply to comments, message board notifs, or dms until the weekend ( hopefully )
          	thank u all for understanding and cant wait to talk to u guys soon <3
          	xoxo, mira


@eudaimoniia dude I've been worried sick. 
          	  But honestly I'm just glad to hear from you. Take your time to get well and good luck with school (I'm barely holding on myself) 
          	  Sending lots of hugs!


@eudaimoniia || it's okay mon soleil, take as much time as you need! school is honestly draining me too so i'll also probably be inactive. talk to you in the weekend !!


pls read !!
          hi all <3 i havent been as active lately and it’s all thanks to my stupid studies hahahahahaha… why do i have to be such an academic weapon ugh its such a burden ( tryna manifest good grades so im lying to myself rn )
          my physical health is also not the best rn, as i have been going in and out of the hospital and im not entirely sure when im gonna be okay
          as happy as ur notifs make me, i wont be able to reply to comments, message board notifs, or dms until the weekend ( hopefully )
          thank u all for understanding and cant wait to talk to u guys soon <3
          xoxo, mira


@eudaimoniia dude I've been worried sick. 
            But honestly I'm just glad to hear from you. Take your time to get well and good luck with school (I'm barely holding on myself) 
            Sending lots of hugs!


@eudaimoniia || it's okay mon soleil, take as much time as you need! school is honestly draining me too so i'll also probably be inactive. talk to you in the weekend !!
