
flying solo has reached over 1.5k reads! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for your support, your comments and votes really make my day and i am so happy to see that you're enjoying it! updates will be slow but i really want to try to finish it by the end of january 2021! fingers crossed xD


@franccie_chan thank you!! ❤️❤️❤️


@estherlyh congrats (ノ*>∀<)ノ♡


flying solo has reached over 1.5k reads! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for your support, your comments and votes really make my day and i am so happy to see that you're enjoying it! updates will be slow but i really want to try to finish it by the end of january 2021! fingers crossed xD


@franccie_chan thank you!! ❤️❤️❤️


@estherlyh congrats (ノ*>∀<)ノ♡


my last term test will be over on monday, which frees up some time for me to edit my writing + write new chapters, but honestly, it's hard to tell. I'll still have many courseworks to work on, homework to do, topics to revise and... ugh school is just a pain. i can't believe it's already march tomorrow, if i want to finish Flying Solo i'll have to speed up :( in the meantime, you can find me on insta @elyh.draws where i'm more active. i'm also working on a Flying Solo art piece right now! would you like to see it here as well? 


@estherlyh alright! i'll publish a flying solo artbook soon cos i have 2 more illustrations planned :) 


sorry for the long wait for chapter 6 - just as i thought i was done with it, my amazing beta came on board found a lot of faults with it and i just want to make sure i publish the best i can for you guys - a lazy plot is not an attractive one :)) i'll work on it as much as i can, but this is a tough chapter to write and one of the essential plot points regarding ben so it won't be out that fast unless a miracle happens OwO,,, thanks for all the support though, it truly doesn't feel real to have this much support on my book!! ILY ALL and sorry for the wait!!


@ estherlyh  ♡♡ don't worry !


haven't had the time (or more importantly, mood) to sit down and binge write lately, but i finally did today, and wrote about half a chapter :D it isn't much, but i'm planning on finishing it tonight. proofreading sucks and editing stuff seriously drains me of my energy so it's gonna take a while... chapter 5 should be up within the next week unless i'm too exhausted. thanks for waiting y'all! and also stay safe from the coronavirus going round ❤️ Singapore's starting to have it worse but my heart really goes out to China. Stay safe, can't stress this enough!!! ily all :)