
just woke up after 7 alarms I never set up on my phone started blaring in my ear and I had no idea how to turn them off so I just started crying like a baby and almost smashed my phone cus I was so mad


And it was thisgod awful lullaby song omg straight from a horror movie much


Sunny are you okay?


@WeAre_TheWalkingDead  she has been acting weird i mean i was texting her and she hasn't responded other than "no"


omg for sum reason my brother hates my "ex best friend" 


@ensunnify Yes yes siyori is still mad...


I don't consider her that but I'm pretty sure she does q(❂‿❂)p


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♔┇ A Star Has 5 Ends. A Square Has 4 Ends. A Triangle Has 3 Ends. A Line Has 2 Ends. But A Circle Of Our Friendship Has No Ends. Send This To all Your Friends (Including Me If I Am One) If You Get 5 Back, Your A Good Friend. If You Get 10 You're Popular. If You Get 15 Then Damn ;)


            WAITTT your still on this app???