
I’m logging out of this account as I no longer find satisfaction in what I’ve written... I will keep all the stories up as some people enjoy them but I will be moving onto a new account and starting over. Thanks for supporting me and as always thanks for reading. Bye xx!


@emma4176  whats the new account


I’m logging out of this account as I no longer find satisfaction in what I’ve written... I will keep all the stories up as some people enjoy them but I will be moving onto a new account and starting over. Thanks for supporting me and as always thanks for reading. Bye xx!


@emma4176  whats the new account


Hey everyone!! I have regained access to my account after 4 months which I never thought was possible but here we are!!! That account saying it was me actually was me if anyone was wondering. However one of my stories seems to have disappeared if anyone knows why that has happened please could you tell me! Thanks for reading byeee! Xx