
New account @_emelynewrites


HEY GIRL, I just wanted to let you know that you might want to start saving your books on other platforms because I recently saw a author who’s book got deleted for no apparent reason. And losing your progress honestly would suck, so I recommend saving it on another platform. 


@DIVINXE | Hi! I write all my books on docs and then copy & paste it to Wattpad. So I’m good! Thank you for the warning though<33


OKAY, a lot of you are asking for me to put my books back up so I thought of something and I need a vote. Would you guys rather me keep my books up and just make a new account for my dark romance ones? Or just stay on this account and keep my books down and continue to restart?
          (Untying innocence won’t be back up, I’ve given up on that book and have another person finishing it)


@emelynemeeks15 i think you should make a new account fot your new, dark romance books and you should keep your old books here.


I think you should consider making a new account just for dark romance, but I think you should keep your old books.


I don’t know why I asked, I already made it lmao. This is my new account!


Okay, after A LOT of overnight thinking, I’ve decided to take down all of my books, and give up on untying innocence. I will be restarting, beginning my journey with writing DARK ROMANCE instead. I know a lot of you guys will probably be mad or disappointed by this, but I don’t wanna write stuff I’m not interested in. Because then, I’ll just half—ass it and it won’t be enjoyable for you to read.
          Lately, writing seems like a chore. And I was confused why, and finally I found out that the reason it feels like a chore is because I’m not writing what I want to write, which is dark romance. Which I will be doing from now on.
          If you want to use the Untying Innocence trope, or take ownership of the book and finish it in your own way, please contact me on one of my socials (linked in bio) and I will give you full permission to do so! Anyway, I’m sorry y’all, I know this is probably a big disappointment to all of you and I apologize for that<\3


Girl!!! I was in the middle of Untouchable when it disappeared  is there anyway you could put it back up??? Lol 


@ _emelynewrites  so excited for this x)


@_emelynewrites it's my go to motto.
            Write what you read or Read what you write.
            I'm rooting for you my luv♥️