
Hey everyone !
          	Exams are over so look out for some updates some time next week. New book coming soon. I also want to allocate  days for each book so I can stay on track. 
          	Thank you for all votes I see you guys and I am so happy that you guys enjoy my work.


Hey everyone !
          Exams are over so look out for some updates some time next week. New book coming soon. I also want to allocate  days for each book so I can stay on track. 
          Thank you for all votes I see you guys and I am so happy that you guys enjoy my work.


this message may be offensive
"Don't fuck with me capo, I'm a girl who likes results when you make promises"
          "Don't forget which one of us is the boss " he stated, hands firmly gripping her waist as he made strong eye contact with the beauty in front of him.
          "Don't forget who has the bigger balls, baby" She said seductively in his ear before turning and swaying her hips invitingly to the door.
          here's a sneak peek of a new book I'm thinking about dropping. My exams are soon over and I'll be able to upload more chapters. Thanks for all the votes elle and I really do appreciate you guys. - lah


hello!!! just added your story to my reading list :) if you’re interested in queer stories, romance, realistic fiction, or relatable stories with a black female protagonist i’d be more than happy to do a genuine readforread. i’ll even leave a review on your board and in your comments  just let me know :)))


@aaliyah_laurier Hi! sure I will be willing to do that. I'll go on your page now. THANK YOUU