
Dear fans of The Scarlet Hunter story,
          	I just published up to my initial ending of the first book. Chapter 11 of TSH Book 2 was the original ending of Book 1. This was the resolution I intended initially before my word count got out of control. 
          	The story will continue! Oh, no. We aren't done yet. 


@ld3948209342 I just released even mooorrrre chapters! I hope you enjoy! 


@user24644126 I'm so glad to hear you're enjoying the story. This is a learning experience for me, so I get that Book 1 ended abruptly, but hey, how else am I supposed to learn? Thank you for sticking with me! 


@sheh0413 the good news is that Book 2 is written, I'm giving it a final read through and posting as I go. I'm working on the outline for Book 3 (it will be the final book), so it's a little ways away. Thank you for the comment. I appreciate you taking the time to write a note to me. 


I'm not over here, hoping every day for a notification about Scarlet Hunter III officially being added. That would be a bit too weird and fangirly - right?
          CANT WAIT!


@ld3948209342 it's comments like this that get me off my butt and writing. ❤️ I assure you that when you get the notice, you'll be able to binge the whole story. No more chapter-by-chapter releases for me. It just doesn't work for my style. 


Hi there when will the next update be. Love your books 


@RianaMarneweck I will wait patiently for the book. 


@RianaMarneweck thank you for your words of encouragement! I appreciate your note. 
            I'm finishing up the outline for Scarlet Hunter III. I don't think I'm going to do a chapter-by-chapter release this time. I tried that with Isis, and y'all got pulled along on a wild ride with the Rebecca "side story."
            So, look for the full book release for Scarlet Hunter III in a couple of months. 


Dear fans of The Scarlet Hunter story,
          I just published up to my initial ending of the first book. Chapter 11 of TSH Book 2 was the original ending of Book 1. This was the resolution I intended initially before my word count got out of control. 
          The story will continue! Oh, no. We aren't done yet. 


@ld3948209342 I just released even mooorrrre chapters! I hope you enjoy! 


@user24644126 I'm so glad to hear you're enjoying the story. This is a learning experience for me, so I get that Book 1 ended abruptly, but hey, how else am I supposed to learn? Thank you for sticking with me! 


@sheh0413 the good news is that Book 2 is written, I'm giving it a final read through and posting as I go. I'm working on the outline for Book 3 (it will be the final book), so it's a little ways away. Thank you for the comment. I appreciate you taking the time to write a note to me. 


Absolutely loved loved loved Isla’s story. Truly enchanting to read. I spent only a few days reading because I couldn’t get enough, I just had to keep reading even if I lost sleep for it! Wonderful wonderful job and I can’t wait to read the second book and get the ending I know Isla deserves! 


@wildchild1130 Isla is tenacious. I can't imagine her not getting what she deserves. The fun part is following her while she's working for it. ❤️


Hi I would just like to say fantastic writing I love the lycan breeding books and idea when the sequel will come out with Sophia and Isis sitting on pins and needles here much live from australia 


@LatishaMayne awe! My own family is from Parramatta. 
            I'm going to finish up Scarlet Hunter II (already written, but giving it one last edit as I publish chapter by chapter) and then go back to the Lycan Breeder series. So look for it mid-Australian-winter.


I really enjoyed Isla's story! I cant wait for the next book! Once i started I couldn't stop reading!


@CarolineSanchez944 Yessss! I'll be quick about releasing Book 2. It's already written, and a couple of beta readers went through it. It's Isla's last hurrah before finding her mate.