
Howdy Friends!! The Half-Giant's Guide is so much fun to write. If you like found family, crazy parents, reluctant royals, and magical words, I'd love it if you joined me on my journey as Terri tries to hang on for dear life as her world turns upside down. I've been working on this book for almost eight years now, and I've been having a blast creating a world that I think is unique and different. Check out today's update "The Day I Had A Picnic In the Sky" or start at the beginning to join me on this awesome adventure!


Hi, just hoping for cursed wish next update.....
          It's been forever*whine*


@Lasophie79 there should be some out after the weekend is over. I try to only update each story once a week. If you’re craving fantasy I’d recommend either my short story collection or The Half-Giant’s Guide. 


Howdy Friends!! The Half-Giant's Guide is so much fun to write. If you like found family, crazy parents, reluctant royals, and magical words, I'd love it if you joined me on my journey as Terri tries to hang on for dear life as her world turns upside down. I've been working on this book for almost eight years now, and I've been having a blast creating a world that I think is unique and different. Check out today's update "The Day I Had A Picnic In the Sky" or start at the beginning to join me on this awesome adventure!


I owe everyone who read chapter 19 of The Cursed Wish an apology. Apparently, while doing too much editing at 2 a.m., I made a mistake and skipped publishing a very important chapter. This has since been rectified, and chapter 19 should now be The King of Cyra, and chapter 20, which I accidentally published early, should be The Savior of Curses. Once again, I apologize to my readers, and I'll do my best to make sure this doesn't happen again. I'm super embarrassed this happened, and I hope that everyone will enjoy the actual showdown with Mona in the real chapter 19. Hope everyone is having a great week, and if this ramble doesn't make sense or it's still confusing, message me below. Thanks, and sorry again.   


Thank you for the vote!


@eliana_elf yes it does! Thank you so much!


@nobodywasthere789 For example, the big problem for my MC in my story The Half-Giant's Guide my MC Terri is under threat of kidnapping. She's rescued, and the characters around her cause tension in the story, and you learn about each character around her in bursts as she interacts with them. Conversations with the other characters create tension, and as you explore each character, you learn about the fantasy world, and Terri learns more about herself. 
            I hope this helps a little bit.


@eliana_elf thank you so much! That's really helpful, i really appreciate it ❤️


The Cursed Wish has reached 1K reads and over 100 votes. Thank you all so much for your continued love and support. To celebrate, I've posted a prologue as a bonus. There are more bonuses coming. This story has really kept me going the last few months, and if you've hung along for the ride, thanks so much again. I can't express how much it means to me. 


Congratulations! That’s amazing! 


Howdy, y'all! Do you ever just feel like the writing never stops? Maybe it’s just writing professionally for a client and for fun at the same time. At least I was very inspired this week. We’re nearing the end of The Cursed Wish, and I’m super excited. We’re one step closer to defeating Mona!!!


@moon_fabler awe thanks. Just a couple more chapters to go!


@eliana_elf read it. It is beautiful 