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hi, since i cant reply to your comment in the comment section, ill reply here, btw this is about the comment you made: 
          "It is a fucking big deal! For the fuck sake it's Mother fucking virginity we are talkkf about, imagine losing it at 5 to your own fucking cousin by blood without knowing anything!"
          in this story, it wasnt rape. she kept mentioning her virginity at every mention of sex, which i didnt understand. second,  virginity isnt even real. the myth of the 'hymen breaking' was long disproved. the hymen stretches and if stretched too hard too fast it tears, bleeds, then heals. meaning a person can have sex every day for a year without their hymen tearing, and vice versa, a hymen can tear while trying to do the splits. which is how "virginity tests" work because they look for scar tissue. which isnt even logical because hymens can tear when stretching, or even doing the splits. 
          i dont believe the worth of a female lies in whether or not she has been "used" before. people like you making virginity such a big deal is one of the greatest things rape victims fear. they get raped and think theyre now worthless becoz of this stupid myth. 
          notice how its not a big deal for men but a woman without her virginity is considered a whore? its just a way of shaming women for their ability to say yes. my main point being, "ïmagine having your virginity taken away by force when you dont know anything?" exactly. if virginity wasnt made such a big thing, people woudnt have the added worry of "now im not a virgin, im useless. im not pure" which is genuinely dumb. 
          virginity is not a big deal. virginity is just a  mythical social construct that harms people. lets not find more ways to shame women yeah? get my drift?


im really sorry you had to go through that, but you see my point yeah?


@DeadInsidePotato i have been a victim too


Everyone is anonymous here. Mind if you share what you are going through? It may ease your mind.


Well good luck with that☺️


@lucidanddark I am planning to study in Germany, after i finish the high school( here we start it at 13)


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Listen here human if you don't know anything then stfu I wasn't BEING a damn coward that fuking author blocked me or might have left... NOT EVERYONE IS FUKING PLEASE WITH Y/N BEING KOREAN, in every ff y/n has to be Korean and i just gave my fuking opinion if you have any problem then go fuck yourslf idc 


@Army_girlOT7 I am not blind? I saw your comment? 


@leftsharkoo and how do you know that I said to you??


@Army_girlOT7 you didn't but you said that to me and it's ok just don't say anything stupid when you don't know anything 


Unnie thank u sooo  much for voting my new story “ mafias innocent wife ” . I hope u like , kamsahamnidha


@BangtansCupcakes I just like calling noona more then unnie I am not that girly type 


@Army_girlOT7 no dear , you are girl right . noona is what younger boys calling elder sisters, . sooo, if my guesses are right then i am your unnie ( i am a girl too )


Hey thank you so much for voting on the chapters of my book “Soft”! I really appreciate it and I hope you like it.


@foxgirl7895  I really love the story  


@foxgirl7895 I don't like it
            I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!